From Graduard to Graduate in , not easy at tim... - Couch to 5K

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From Graduard to Graduate in , not easy at times, 9 weeks!

Pearsey profile image
25 Replies

Firstly I want to say a huge THANK YOU to my son James for worrying enough about my health to send me the website. I love you so much!! xx

I went this morning determined to enjoy my Graduate run and tell as many people along the way as possible. A missy morning-grey and with that fine soaking rain-definitely not the "right" rain. Got going with the warm up walk-passed 2 dog walkers on the way (where is everybody??) and said my Graduate run today, pointing to the logo on my T shirt.

Then I started to run-steady pace and not too fast. Saw "my seasoned runner" coming towards me-she runs really fast!-and shouted out, pointing to T shirt Graduate run. I got a thumbs up, she had heard me, and she turned running backwards to congratulate me. How nice was that? Next time she passed me going my way-I feel so slow compared with her and as she overtook me she said nice pace keep it up. I said, slow but steady as she goes, which caused us both to laugh. Saw 3 more people to tell them. I think they all stayed away because of the rain(?) or maybe my over enthusiasm for today overwhelmed them? :-) I reached the end, still going the same pace, final push at one minute mark. I yelled yeeeeah-only one bloke and his dog to hear me! What a let down! I really hoped for loads of people there to celebrate with me. Started the warm down-then the floods came. Couldn't stop crying, as it hit me how far I have come in 9 short, yes short, weeks. 2 months ago I was wondering if it was worth it-I found it hard to run the 3 minutes in week 2. Now, here I am, running 30 minutes, not with ease, for it it were then I wouldn't be pushing myself that bit further, but just out of my comfort zone.

End of an era-on to Stepping Stones to try out first. If not Swanscot's advice to run one speed, one stamina and one free to own music each week. I am prepared for all eventualities-all downloaded onto my ipod and ready to go on Monday.

Meanwhile the family are coming tomorrow and they will get one hell of a shock that Mother has done c-5k in 9 weeks and lost weight into the bargain.

A big THANK YOU to everyone for all the support, encouragement and laughs along the way. May they continue apace as we go forth together and RUN!!!! :-)

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Pearsey profile image
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25 Replies
Leyther1 profile image

Brilliant post and awesome job done, WELL DONE YOU!!! Bet your children will be so proud of you as they should be. Enjoy the praise, it is so well deserved :)

Rollertoaster profile image

haha! Love it and love your enthusiasm (and your support from other runners!). Well done! It certainly is something isn't it, that graduation feeling! Savour it and best of luck with the next running journey! :)

Beads profile image

Wooohooooo! Don't worry about the lack of people out in the mizzle to celebrate with, you've got all of us!!! Well done!

NorthLeedsMum profile image

I have tears in my eyes for you. Well done you! A massive whoop whoop!

SBG356 profile image

Colette, you are a STAR!!! A big CONGRATULATIONS to you! You must be on such a high now....

I knew you would be emotional but its a great feeling isnt it to have come so far - believing in the programme, trusting your body and having the determination to keep going even when its hard. Your family will be amazed and very proud I am sure......maybe more tears later then?!

Its great that you have things planned already for your post-grad runs; that will really keep your motivation alive.

Now enjoy the moment and the celebrations and I hope all goes well on Monday for your hubby! Sue x

swanscot profile image

Congratulations, Pearsey, you've done great completing the C25K plan. I chuckled at you telling all the people in the park about your run - and how lovely of the "seasoned runner" to chat to you! ;-) Fellow runners know what it's like to push yourself when the going gets tough!

I hope your family are impressed by your achievements too!

NickiB profile image

FANTASTIC! I will succeed after reading this blog and despite my failure at W8R2 this morning. A MASSIVE WELL DONE TO YOU!

smhall profile image

CONGRATULATIONS on a wonderful run, a wonderful blog and your incredible story of success!! As I read this, I found my self smiling and cheering for you!!

You have so very much to be proud of... wear that shirt and that shiny new "Graduate" badge with pride!! YOU HAVE EARNED THEM!!

Again, congratulations and Keep Running!! :-)


Pearsey profile image
Pearsey in reply to smhall

Thank you Steve :-)

jlow profile image

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS Colette, a fantastic blog for a fantastic achievement. So pleased for you, I welled up when I read of your tears. Look forward to reading your post graduate blogs. I hope you have a super weekend with your family, congratulations again, love Jackie xx

AnnieW55 profile image

Congratulations that was brilliant. Lovely to end on a good run. Looks like you're all set for the next chapter.

Pearsey profile image

Thank you so much everyone. I left out that I have a cold, sore throat and cough-so was so elated that I got there. Not as fast as usual, but then again I feel so much better tonight for doing it. Sore throat gone, and the cough is less too. Must be the sea air?

You gotta laugh-I put it down on fb, and my son's fiancé saw it! She was so pleased and said I'll be doing marathons next. Hmmmm, not quite sure about that!! Nothing from her intended, or the other two. I was speaking to my daughter on the phone-and thought, if only you knew!! What a laugh!! Don't ask me how I managed to keep it a secret all this time-my be my nursing training coming to the rescue re confidentiality, lol!!

Will let you know the reaction tomorrow-unless Matt spills the beans when he finds out!

Happy running everybody. Such a pity we are so scattered far and wide. I've been baking today for the family-and feel a party coming on!! :-)

Thank you Sue for your good wishes for Monday-will drop Richard at the hospital, then run my new programme. Whoops! I think I've posted that before?

Swanscot-I got your plan from pinkus and printed it off. Thank you for that :-).

Colette xx

Pearsey profile image

* must

eshaz14 profile image

Wow, only just found this Colette, tears welling up in my eyes as I'm reading this. Big, BIG hugs for you and congratulations. Enjoy the party with your family, they will all be so, so proud of you, and good luck with the future runs :) Sharyn xx

Anniemurph profile image

Fantastic - what an achievement! Well done, and keep running and blogging :)

Vivwestie profile image

Oh, well done - that is fantastic! What a great graduate run - your family will be so proud of you and with good reason.

Pearsey profile image

Yes they are. I was waiting for at least James to say about my weight loss, but with nothing forthcoming I decided to "mention it". Oh, they chorused, we thought you had lost weight, but didn't like to say anything!" :(.

I then told them what I've been up to. All thrilled to bits, and surprisingly think I've done well with the weight loss. Going to keep at it and see if I can look reasonable for our son's wedding at the end of march 2013.

James is cooking tonight-a celebratory meal, so will sit back and enjoy!

Colette xx

katrunkles profile image

Sooooo well done! Brought tears to my own eyes x

Pearsey profile image

Thank you katrunkles. Yes, just remembered how it came out in the end. My sone said he liked my new top, so I replied that as i'd gone down a dress size I needed new clothes.


pinkus profile image

CONGRATULATIONS Pearsey you totally deserve it...You must be so happy...Well Done !! Its people like you that inspire people like me...I would be very interested to know how you go on the stepping stones podcasts next please keep us informed. Have great day xxx

Pearsey profile image

Hi Pinkus! Starting with Stepping Stones tomorrow-no idea, well a vague idea, of what it will bring to me, but i'm going out there determined to try it out. If i'm finding it too hard i will go back into week 9 and repeat for a couple of weeks aka swanscot.

Dropping hubby a the hospital 9 am, so out later, but will help to take my mind off. Will be great to say to him that I've done it when I either pick him up or go to visit.

great disappointment on Friday as he had already left to go for his blood test when i got home. I'm always home around 9.30/9.40, so could have given him a lift, but he was worried he'd be late (he'a always late everywhere!), so went by bus. A bit of a let down!

You have a great day too Pinkus.

Colette xxx

virtualrunner profile image

Really brilliant post - I was in tears with you!! - Many congratulations on a fantastic graduation - we were all cheering from the sidelines :-) Keep going - and continue to amaze your family - I am sure they must be very proud!

gdeann profile image

Congratulations Colette! I am so very happy for you! I can just imagine how huge that grin was on your face! I hope you continue blogging here! Now, I want to see that shiny new badge! Gayle

rubbishrunner profile image

Congratulations and well done! Didn't have chance to log on, but knew you would have done it and written an entertaining and inspiring blog! Only sorry there wasn't a parade of runners and dogs following you to the finish-line - but you know we were all *virtually* there! Your family will be so pleased and proud for you. Hope all goes well hospital-wise ... and lkeep us updated on Stepping Stones. Not started them yet due to dead MP3.

Pearsey profile image

Yep-blog updated rubbishrunner (I really cannot keep calling you that!).

Unfortunately not all well hospitalwise-a great big cockup from beginning to end, that i have been battling with. Too late now they said. Told them to have a plan by next Tuesday or else!! Not for the want of trying-I've been yelling my head off for them to do something since last July-no too late. Played my Ace card and informed them i would be getting back in touch with an ex colleague Oncologist at Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, and see what he has to say and if he can help to undo the mess! Spoke to his secretary, and she will rely the info to him and he will get back to me. Thanks for asking ;-).


PS Where's my badge John????

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