So i managed wk1 to wk7 with a few aches and pains but basically it was ok. Then a new Parkrun started in our area so I thought well why not give it a go, I can walk if I can't run. So I went and completed in the run in 33.22. I was so proud and excited really believed that by the end of wk 9 I would have got my time down to 30 mins. But no since then I seem to have lost my focus and motivation, I have struggled to complete any runs and have repeated wk 6 and 7 but am really struggling. Today only managed to run for 23 mins, am going out again on Saturday and determind not to fail but it all seems to have got so hard...
Finding it Tough....: So i managed wk1 to wk... - Couch to 5K
Finding it Tough....

Don't knock yourself, you are doing brilliantly. To do a parkrun at week 7/8 is brilliant and that is a brilliant time (still takes me about 36 mins to give you some context). The title couch to 5k is just that, a catchy title. You cannot underestimate how tiring a parkrun can be, it is a race (albeit more against the clock than others) so depending on how many days you had off after it, your legs are still tired so resuming these challenging programme runs would be a bigger challenge. Going out for 23 mins is brilliant.
Just go back to basics. Stop worrying about covering x distance in y mins and just go at your steady pace. When you feel like stopping try and analyse what is making you want to stop. Remember your mind will tell you to stop ages before your legs/lungs will! Tell yourself you will just keep going another 30 secs, or count to 50 or say you will keep going till the 4th next lamppost or whatever landmarks you have on your route.
You know you can do it. Just think, only a few weeks ago, running for 5 mins was a big challenge

Just remembered, I did a parkrun a few weeks ago and it was on a day when my training programme said I should have done a 10k steady run. After I did the 5k which is 2.5 laps of a lake, I said to my sister (multi marathoner and total running guru and oracle!) I supposed I had better go round the lake a few more times and she said no, running 5k at your fastest pace (even my slow one!) is like a 10 k long training run in terms of effort.
I've hit the wall a little sooner than you.
I had to stop about 3 minutes short of W6R2 and even finished up horizontal on a grass verge to recover. Went out today without the podcast and after warm up just ran at what felt like my natural pace until I felt like it was enough then carried on a little longer but not to total exhaustion.
I 'only' ran for 11 minutes but when I mapped out the actual run I'd done .96 of a mile in that time. I think that what is a comfortable running pace for me is probably too fast to allow me to go for longer yet. I find it very hard if I try to slow my pace.
I was looking forward to magically being able to do the 25 minutes today, I've followed the programme and it's meant to prepare you steadily for the next stage but I suppose some of us are different.
I think you are right some of us will take longer to complete the programme, will keep going. Good luck hopefully we will both graduate soon.
I've just put week 8 behind me and it included a failed run, lost motivation and I'm still not 100% back to form.
I'd like to be able to impart words of wisdom that would put you right back into the flow but sadly I can't, all I can say is that you're not alone, it's not just you feeling this way and I hope that is slightly encouraging. Just don't give up, it's only a set back.

We are asking a lot of our body when starting to run for the first time, it is our body not a machine so don't be too hard on yourself. Why not just go out and run for as long as you are able at a steady pace,not too fast and just enjoy it, no pressure and see how you get on. Good luck.

Not sure what the answer is - I too have lost motivation, but I'm forcing myself out there anyway.
Think I will be taking the advice above and just go out and run for as long as I can, not worrying about time or distance see if that works. Keep going and hope you find your motivation again soon
Hi rolphie2. Im a newbie to all this, youre way ahead of me. But where does it say 5km in 30 minutes in all of this? Gosh! I started this programme to run 5km by the ten week mark. Who says I have to do that in 30 minutes? Actually, Im proud of myself just for getting off me arse and out there. Why spoil it setting goals that you may not be ready for? It will only put you off and let those negative thoughts seap in and ruin what you've already achieved.
think back to where you were when you started the programme as compared to where you are now. Eureka!!!
You can do it - you've come this far!
Thanks you are right I am just expecting too much. Have decided to worry less about distance and time and just enjoy the fact that I can now run for more than 1 minute without collapsing in a heap. We should be proud of our achievements, so well done to you and together lets keep running!

I think a lot of people are a bit downcast and unmotivated at this time of the year. It's hard to go out in the cold and wet compared to a lovely Spring day.
I've graduated but I still haven't managed 5k in 30 minutes. To be honest I have the feeling not many people do straight off. But as AuntieAli says, its not about that - times and distances - its about finding you can run when you thought you were couch-bound for life. One word of wisdom from the trusty Laura in the C25K+ Speed podcast,"A bad run is always better than no run". Come on rolphie and all you fellow runners, we're all in this together and can help each other back to being motivated and enjoying the challenge.

Hi Rolphie2, sorry for the late reply I have only just read your blog. I got myself in a bit of a tiz over this 5k in 30 minutes and it was around week 7 when I realised it wasn't going to happen. I had a chat with a good runner at work who said a 6 minute K for a beginner is going it some and that I should be pleased with the 8 minutes + I was doing. When I started the last run of week 8 it felt good so I upped my pace and went for it and did manage to get under 8 for each km but it killed me.. I went back to my usual pace for each run of week 9 and graduated today doing 4k in 34 minutes and was pretty darn chuffed with myself. I think just go at a good pace for you to run for 30 minutes and like me we can get to the 5k in 30 mins when we are good and ready. Very best of luck for your next set of runs Jxx
Well done on graduating, you are right I have become to hung up on distance and time have decided just to concentrate on running for the allotted time and no worrying about distance. I need to remember that 8 weeks ago I couldn't run down the path, so am doing well. Will keep going. Congratulations again on graduating a fantastic achievement and keep running x

I am trying very hard to concentrate only on getting through the set time each run and I am steering clear of all measurement of distance covered. When I get to running 30 minutes relatively comfortably (and no way would that have been a possibility six weeks ago!), then I'll start looking at my speed. I know I am crawling along just now, but you can only improve on one thing at a time. For me that is not conking out before time's up!
Whatever way you look at it, we are all coming on leaps and bounds (although perhaps not literally). I'm only guessing, but perhaps so much timing and target setting is putting too much pressure on you. Your 30 min 5k will come, but only if you remember why you started the programme in the first place