Ran this morning so will just have to wait and... - Couch to 5K

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Ran this morning so will just have to wait and see if hip has not suffered any more!!

Oldgirl profile image
6 Replies

Went out this morning for the first run since last Wednesday, I was so fed up with not getting out. Hip not completely twinge free but decided to try it anyway. Nothing exciting to report run wise and hip so far so good, will just have to keep my fingers crossed that it says that way.


Its a lovely day here in the NE Scotland you would never think it was 1st October!!

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Oldgirl profile image
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6 Replies
Deryn61 profile image

Ooh got everything crossed for you Oldgirl. Was up my sister's yesterday, she was walking like she'd just had a hip replacement, her sports masseuse friend told her she needed to see a dr, its probably bursitis. Fran said she will see a doc, AFTER her Chester marathon next Sunday, and shrugged it off because "it doesnt stop me running, well, as long as I take ipuprofen at about mile 8"!! I think I may have to get her certified!

notbad profile image

Hope your hip settles itself oldgirl, it's so frustrating not being able to run when you want to. I just took a week out for a nasty cold and it got so bad I dreamed I was running last night, just had to get out this morning come what may.

Chocotwit profile image

Bad luck about the hip Oldgirl I hope it doesn't grumble too much. Husband and son were up in SE Scotland yesterday doing the Compasssport Cup in Teviothead, they said it was classic Scottish weather - horizontal hail! Glad I didn't go and that the weather has improved today!

suki_007 profile image

Hope the hip behaves and gets better Oldgirl! I sympathise with the enforced rest. I never thought I'd be protecting bits of me like I do now just so I can run, ie stacking logs today, I was much quicker to get out of the way in case some fell and injured my foot or leg, not so much cos it'd hurt but because it might stop me running! I feel like there's been an invasion of the bodysnatchers in a very good way. I don't know who it is that's taken me over, but they're certainly better than the last one.

As for Deryn's sister now, wow, that really is crackers!

Oldgirl profile image

So far so good guys and thanks for your replies. I'm just back from my Tai Chi class and it was fine too. I'm thinking that extra days rest yesterday has paid off. Funny you saying about your sister Deryn but I had been popping Diclofenac all last week I didn't really find they helped much (doctor's prescription when I had sciatica so strong dose). Saturday i took 2 Ibuprofen (over the counter) and felt better within 2 hours!!! I'll run rest tomorrow but going to aqua gym and a HIIT swim too, its kill or cure time everyone. :)

gdeann profile image

Oldgirl, you are amazing!! Every finger and to crossed the pain is gone!! :-)

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