Was not impressed with the 1st attempt on Friday so rather than go on to W7 i was determined to do better this time. This turned out to be a much better run no stopping and no stitch,i still fouw7nd it tough going but i got there. Also discovered leaving water bottle home was a good thing as until today i didn't realise how much easier it was to run without it. Here i come Week 7!
W6R3 the Re-Run: Was not impressed with the 1st... - Couch to 5K
W6R3 the Re-Run

Well done, you nailed it, 7ermintrude! On to W7. I don't take water out with me, can imagine how distracting it must be - tried running with a (small, light) bag the other day as I was late for something, it wasn't an official run which was just as well as I found it virtually impossible to run properly.

Well done 7ermintrude. I don't take water out either. I have a Garmin on one arm and an ipod on the other - don't think I could cope with anything else! Good luck with week 7. Hope it goes well for you.

Forgot to mention i spent the 1st ten minutes pulling my shorts up.. i may have lost some weight and they only stay up when i start sweating ( i like to share)..Must go buy new shorts

Great job! Week 7 here you come! Maybe you should celebrate in purchasing new running shorts before you share to much with the other runners out and about! great going and welcome to week 7!