I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
After my W6R1 run on Wednesday being the ‘Best Run Ever’, this was my ‘Worst Run Ever!’
I know why - I’m doing too much on rest days.
Ok so
1) Laura restarted herself about 3 mins into my warmup walk. No worries. I just walked to the start of the park. This gave me three mins extra warm up so no biggie.
2) calves were twinging all the way through the warm up walk. Couldn’t do anything about it. Think this is because of my ‘too much on rest days’
3) head was telling me not to start the run session, but I did anyway.
4) most of the way through the first run session head was telling me to stop. Left calf became very sore.
5) left calf wanted to cramp in the 3 min walk in the middle. Felt like I couldn’t flex my foot. Head told me to stop there.
6) duh deep and carried on. Longest 10 mins I’ve ever experienced. See all the items in point 4 and add both calves.
7) as soon as I was given permission to stop both calves were trying to explode and cramp. Almost had to crawl the cool down walk.
So as for my theory of ‘too much’, I’ve started trying to hit the goals my Garmin is giving me each day, including climbing 10 flights of stairs. The last couple of days I’ve been doing them all in one hit innmy hotel - but the Garmin has only been crediting me one flight for every 30 steps or so. As a result I’ve been doing a LOt of stair climbing that I’m not used to. Hence the sore / tight calves.
Guess I’m going to reign it in a bit and see if R3 is better.
Happy trails everyone !