W9R3......I only went and did it !: Well I went... - Couch to 5K

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W9R3......I only went and did it !

Carolecal profile image
50 Replies

Well I went out this morning and just after 9 am I did it....!!!! I became a member of the Graduate Club :) Despite some concerns about my back which has niggled and ached since Tuesday( except when I did R2 on Wednesday oddly enough) I got myself ready and out (been awake since before six!) deciding that if after the warm up walk it felt too bad I would leave it for today,albeit reluctantly.

It was fine...no it was more than fine,it was great ! When I realised I'd got to the halfway point I knew there would be no stopping me.

It was a perfect morning,refreshingly cool,a late summer golden glow,passed two fields of sunflowers and a big field of cows ..."Good Morning ladies!" ....oops,don't make eye contact though,don't want to start a stampede ...lord, that would get my pace up a bit !

I have loved W9 podcast ,though today I only seemed to hear parts of it ...I seemed to switch to somewhere else in my head and when Laura announced the final five minutes I was shocked...the last half of the run seemed to fly by.

I gave it a bit more welly,that final five minutes...I was thinking about all the amazing support I've had from you lot on here- firstly the welcome ,then the advice, the uplifting comments after a rubbish run,the sharing of the highs,the laughs ...and in that last few minutes I was imagining you at the side of the track,by the hedgerow and in the ditch,shouting encouragement and cheering me on...yeah ,I'm mad I know :) but I could picture you ...even the ones who still just have the green silhouette.....you know who you are !!!

Then it was done... I punched the air and there were some tears, then out from the trees stepped my husband with camera....and no, I'm not posting that on here ! ...and that's when I realised he'd 'doctored' the podcast.A few weeks ago I'd been hearing a song a lot on the radio and I said it would be good to include it on a playlist when I decide to run to my own music.

It was Lissy's "Further Away( Romance Police) and he had replaced the cool down walk with that song for me.

I never thought I'd feel so emotional crossing that imaginary finishing line,but jeez...I kept my sunnies on to hide the evidence.

He also added cheering and applause at the end of the run as Laura is speaking....but I didn't hear it....!!!! What planet was I on by then ?? I've since listened again and really don't know where my head could have been !

D has downloaded all the podcasts for me as I am an inept cretin when it comes to stuff like that and he is not :)

BUT, I can run for a whole 30 minutes and I am a graduate !!! and I have a shiny badge to prove it( arrived within an hour of requesting it , so thanks to the team for that).

This programme is brilliant , you are all amazing ...thankyou so much .....I'm off now before I do a Gwyneth P.

Celebrating tonight with a Desperados and a bowl of chips at the beach bar ( that's river beach as we're a long way from the coast !).

Have a fab weekend everyone and Good Luck to all the other W9 runners for your Big G :) xxxxx

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Carolecal profile image
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50 Replies
sofaqueen profile image

Brilliant to hear not only that you've graduated but that you had such a great run to finish the Couch to 5K programme with, well done! What a fantastic husband you have, to tailor your final podcast just for you, that was really touching to read. Congratulations again and looking forward to hearing about your postgraduate running :)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to sofaqueen

Hi sofaqueen and thankyou ! Yes, I'm very pleased to have made it ...and yes, he's a star !

Beek profile image

CONGRATULATIONS! What a lovely husband to set you up like that. You must have really been 'in the zone' on this run. WELL DONE YOU! Hang on to those great feelings!

We must all be on the side of the track for big-momma on Monday when she graduates too!


Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Beek

Aw, thankyou Beek ....and for always being so supportive. Yes, I'll be there on Monday,lining up to cheer her on ! "Bon Weekend!" x

OlsBean profile image


Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to OlsBean

Thankyou very much !

SarahP0003 profile image

Congratulations!!! And what a thoughtful hubby you have :)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to SarahP0003

Thankyou Sarah...so pleased to have got there !

suzybenj profile image

whoop whoop - very well done :-)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to suzybenj

Thankyou Suze ! Still buzzing from yesterday and also completely overwhelmed by all the lovely comments on here :)

mrslazy profile image

Congratulations x

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to mrslazy

Thanks so much MrsL !

scotsheather profile image

Well done, you did it in some style!!!

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to scotsheather

Thankyou scotsheather ....I'm just glad I was able to do it at all ! I really thought I'd have to postpone it due to iffy back !

Jefna profile image

Awww well done Carolecal!! I'm so so pleased for you! What a feeling it is eh?!

How lovely is your husband! That's such a sweet thing to do (even if you didn't hear the applause, but hey, I'm sure you can be forgiven! Hehe)

Enjoy that desperados, you've well and truly earned it! And that graduation badge that looks fab next to your name!

I'll be cyber chinking my wine glass with you soon! ;-) x

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Jefna

Hi J ,thanks so much ! Yes ,still feel a bit bad about missing the applause and cheering ....but I was over the moon with the track he substituted .

Will def be running to W9 podcast all next week...the Lissy track gives me a few extra minutes to run to,rather than use it for the cool down walk. Got a nice glass of chilled rose in my mitts...so chink chink :) Am i sounding like a dypso ? :)

Realfoodieclub profile image

Great to see the graduation badge next to your name. Well done. What a lovely thing your husband did. Enjoy your well deserved celebration.

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Realfoodieclub

Thankyou Rfc ....yes I keep taking a peek at the badge .....you'll get yours soon ! x

Nerdio profile image

What a fantastic blog, what a result and what a finale. Well done. Just keep doing it now.


Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Nerdio

Oh , you bet Nerdio......there's no stopping me now ! Like many ,I am well and truly hooked !

Thankyou for your lovely comments x

mason73 profile image

Wow what a great hubby and well done !!!

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to mason73

Thanks mason 73..... and yes,he's quite a star,isn't he? Do you think I should run his fan club on here .....? LOL :) !!!!

Feefbev profile image

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What a wonderful thing for your hubby to do - brownie points to him!!!!!!!! So pleased for you - well done, welcome to the Grad club!!!!! And you're not alone on the imagining everyone on here cheering you on! I now run with a huge club - in my imagination everyone on here is running alongside me keeping me going!!!

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Feefbev

Hey Fee....thankyou so much ! I am delighted to have ' joined the Grad club'.....but ever since I started C25K I've felt like a member of a great big fantastic club :) Thanks for all your lovely supportive comments along the way xx

katee1958 profile image

well done Carolecal, what a thoughtful husband. I know I shed a tear when I did the first long run way back in ? week 5. I am so close, will be doing week 8 run 3 tomorrow at my local park run. so hopefully by the end of next week I will be doing my graduation run. I ordered a C25K graduation t shirt last week in preparation for when I graduate, it is brilliant, and teasing me from its packet, oh I want to wear it so much and can't wait to get my badge as well.

Good luck in your post grad plan, whatever that may be, xx

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to katee1958

Hello katee and thankyou ! Hope your Parkrun went well today!( I am so behind catching up with and replying to all these lovely comments). Glad to hear you've ordered your t-shirt in advance too !! I did the same ,then I though ...oops ,pride before a fall and all that, but hey,we just know when we are going to see something through til the end ,don't we ? Very best of luck with W9....you will be wearing the t shirt soon ( though sadly I won't as I had it sent to my UK address....my Mum's !) so will have to wait a month or so !

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done Carolecal!! I don't know... we all go to the trouble of lining your grad run route to cheer you on and you dismiss us as a herd of cows. Welcome to Life After Julie.

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to IannodaTruffe

Ha....your comments make me die !!!!! .....but thankmoo so much :) Actually I intend to run to the W9 podcast (especially now it's been adulterated by my OH ) all next week at least,so I'll still get Julie in the warmup( I can just about stand it there).... got to make sure I hear that bloody applause at the end ...plus I want to run to my " bonus track" ...yeah ,saddo ...I know :) Anyway, thankyou Tim....it is Tim isn't it ????

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Carolecal

Tim it is... but don't tell anyone else.

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to IannodaTruffe

You told everyone ,Wally...er ,Tim !

waletta profile image

Really well done! What a spectacular graduation run! What a husband! Does he know how famous he is now? Personally I think that you should show your friends here that photo. Congratulations. Glad you were able to do it today. :)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to waletta

Hi waletta ....and a big thankyou for your comments and support all the way through this. Yeah...do you think I should start up a fan club for him ? Actually,he's hell to live with ......joke :)

.......and NO...I don't think so( re the photo )!!!! xx

waletta profile image
walettaGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Reading the comments here, he's already got a fan club. Thinking about it, it's probably best not to tell him or he might become difficult to live with. Re the photo - spoilsport. xx

Scipio profile image

Very well done to my cheerleading online buddy Carolecal, who's given me some of the best support & encouragement ever. Congratulations to you on your graduation xxx

What an amazing husband you have, what a lovely thing to do. And we really were all there at the finish line, cheering you on in a virtual sort of way.

Your platinum Graduate badge looks fabulous dahling. Enjoy!

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Scipio

Oh , dear young Scipio, thankyou for that...YOU are one of my green silhouetted friends !!! OMG ,I am completely overwhelmed by the most amazing and lovely responses to my rambling grad post ! I will have to write my replies in the morning..it's nearly midnight here and I've had a lovely celebratory eve,but am cream -crackered right now. Was just about to switch this infernal machine off and heard the "ping" of your reply come in...just couldnt ignore it!

Thankyou for your brilliant support and lovely comments,right through this journey you've been there and I appreciate it....really I do.

Yes....he is quite amazing ,isn't he? ...and still has the power to surprise ....we've been married 35 years , so I'd say that's bloody amazing :) :) :)

Scipio profile image
ScipioGraduate in reply to Carolecal

Yes, I recognised myself from the description!! Must get hubby to take a reasonable picture of me for my profile, but it does kind of amuse me to keep the silhouette because it does look a lot like me!

I hope you are still buzzing this morning & basking in your success xx

Mazzero profile image

Huge congratulations Carol on a truly well deserved award. Your badge is dazzling me as I write!!! I loved reading your post first thing this morning and it certainly inspired me on my third weekly run. Enjoy those happy feelings and please keep posting as I look forward to hearing from you xxx ps Our hubby's are real gems

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to Mazzero

Hello dear Mazz .....and a big thankyou ( sorry it's taken me so long) for your lovely comments and all your amazing support so far. So glad I inspired your run this morning :) I'm on my usual two days 'rest ' after the grad run - I run Mon ,Wed and Fri and have the weekend off,but I'm going to start every other day from Monday..to get four runs in a week ,though I'll stick to my " adulterated" Week 9 podcast for the mo ....for obvious reasons :) Aah...good to know you've got a gem as well xx

RuthP profile image

Congratulations! Love what your husband did for you, how lovely! I think I will definitely be emotional when I reach that last podcast :)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to RuthP

Thankyou Ruth .....all I can say is just blub away ! It did take me a bit by surprise though !!

A1nsworth profile image

Well done you.Think I would or will cry at the finishing line.Whats next for you,the 10km run.Sounds like you have nice countryside to run in.I have to do my runs on a treadmill as I live in a busy town, so don't fancy breathing in pollution,but reading you're report has really spurred me on and I begin week 4this morning.Best of luck for you're future running.You didn't mention whether you do in fact feel fitter,and have you lost weight?

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to A1nsworth

Thankyou A1nsworth ,yes it turned out to be a real emotional experience,just a few seconds left of running and I remember thinking 'well I read that some get a bit teary...but that just won't be happening to me '...then it just ' gets you' !

I am very lucky to live in a picturesque place at the moment and to run in beautiful surroundings. I've always loved sunflowers and to pass a field full of them on my runs these last few weeks has been uplifting ,especially as the first time I noticed them I was having a really shitty run( and fortunately, I didn't have many of those ! ) .

Yes, I feel sooo much fitter; by about W6 or 7, I think, my legs were looking more toned, I did drop about a kilo...I am following the 5:2 eating plan since February,but had hit a plateau( I am only a kilo or two from my target weight now ,which is nice..but obviously it's slower to come off...especially with that fat to muscle debate).

The very best of luck with W4 ....keep posting your progress x

bloodofareptile profile image

Congrats! Sounds like a great run! :)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to bloodofareptile

Thankyou very much...and yes ,I could not have asked for a better one . So looking forward to Monday morning to get out there again !!

squaremum profile image

Congratulations on finishing in style, carolecal!

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to squaremum

Hi squaremum...and thankyou !!! The fantastic responses I've had are quite overwhelming . Truth be told I'm not sure that ' me' and 'style' belong in the same sentence !!...well, not usually, but thanks to " him indoors " I did manage to finish with a bit of a flourish :) Thankyou for you support as ever xx

tor41 profile image

Awesome, so very pleased all went well, you have come such a long way and of course we were all virtually with you :-) What a lovely hubby you have, so supportive, and of course now you will remember that moment forever :-) Congratulations on the shiny new badge and welcome to the graduates :-)

Carolecal profile image
Carolecal in reply to tor41

Hi tor... and thanks so much.I am so pleased to have finally gone and done it...it really was touch and go with my back, but it felt a hundred times better when I finished my run( I was fully prepared to abandon the whole thing even at the warm up 5 minutes stage, but fortunately I didn't have to). I'll be running to the same W9 podcast for at least the next week or so( not very ambitious me....and just plan to build on this gradually) ,but yes..you're right ,I will remember crossing that finishing line forever :)

MrsMozzer profile image

Well done Carolecal! I got very excited when Laura called me a runner in Week 6 so I will explode on my graduation run which is only 5 runs away now. Am ordering my t-shirt ready and if I'm lucky I'll get a few runs in whilst I'm on holiday so I will graduate on schedule.....

Carolecal profile image

Hey Mrs M , Thankyou ! Yes I think you most probably will explode on your grad run !!! It is an amazing feeling :) I ordered my t-shirt ahead of time ...was worried they might be out of stock just when I wanted one ......so just had to make sure I'd get it ! Just five runs to go for you ..so close now, so good luck and hope you have a great holiday x

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