I'm walking because Laura tells me to. - Couch to 5K

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I'm walking because Laura tells me to.

LeilaB profile image
17 Replies

I was on my week 4 run in the local park- it’s quite small so I end up doing circuits of the park and running in circles. I was on one of the walks when I passed this older couple walking the dog I smiled as I passed them then started one of the runs after I passed them, I then passed them again on another of the walks and the woman looked me up and down did this weird laugh and said “I’m not saying anything” as I walked past…How Bizzare?!, I don’t know what she meant by it but I took it as a kind of “oh she’s walking again” like I can’t run!

I carried on on my run but it bothered me a bit afterwards. I’m walking because the podcast told me to. Does anyone else feel like other people are judging you when you are walking or is it just me being paranoid?

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LeilaB profile image
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17 Replies
jcm13 profile image

I have felt that way as well, so I run on a path through the woods now. I even had a friend joke about how I knew to the 1/2 min how long I ran in total. The more I do this, the less I care what others think. We are all doing something really good for ourselves. People who care about us cheer us on, and people who do not, are not the people we need in our lives (even for an instant).

Do not feel self conscious when the small minded people try to push their bad karma your way. They are the ones with the problem.

Clare7645 profile image

Take no notice of other people and their frankly rude comments. You know why you're walking. I'm running circuit on the pavement near my house and regularly see the same people on my loops. Take it in your stride, knowing that at the end of the programme you'll be running for 30 mins.

At the end of the day we all have to start somewhere :-)

lydiap profile image

Make a note of the time and day and when you have completed week 9 and are super fit, try and 'bump into them again' and run circles around them!!! I hate the walking part for this reason but after speaking to a runner he said he could never walk and run because its all about stamina and pace and by the end of it I could prob go on for longer and be fitter than him. This programme is about building fitness sensibly, keep it up and ignore stupid, rude comments, think how far you've come in 4 weeks!!

A psychotherapist friend of mine once told me that people are generally too wrapped up in their own lives to even pay too much attention to what someone else is doing (I was telling him how much I hated walking into gyms and he told me not to worry as other people would be concerned with how they looked not how you looked).

I have no idea if this was him trying to appease me or not but I've really held onto this thought whilst I started this programme. The fact is that you've made an effort to get out and do something and soon enough you'll be able to breeze past them with your C25k graduate t-shirt on.

AnnaDJ profile image

I agree with what everyone has said. Don't worry about what people think. You'll be the one running for 30mins at the end of this. Don't forget experienced runners also use interval training. There's real power and stamina to be gained from this type of training.

gaterunner profile image

A friend who has been running for years says never be afraid of the "w" word. She still walks when she needs to. You are doing a well researched programme so go for it and feel a bit sorry for their lack of tact and awareness.

boudicca profile image

Well one young couple I passed, actually laughed. There's a well known phrase or saying involving water and a duck's back - keep it in mind! Why should we care about what others think?

Soozz profile image

Some people are just horrible! Small minded and being 'clever' at other people's expense. The thing is, they haven't got a clue! You might be doing high impact training or whatever. You might have an injury. They'd rather be mocking than try to figure out what you\re doing. I'm sure you've noticed that other runners smile and say hi, though, `THEY know what it's all about.

I run outside and was always scared someone would be horrible, my answer was ready: "I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for ME!"

As the others have said, YOU will be the one who can run rings around them for 30 minutes at the end of the programme, proudly wearing your C25K t-shirt!

Athenian profile image

That kind of thing would bother me, too - British parks can be full of funny folk... Maybe next time you see them you should smile again and raise your arms gracefully in the MOBOT gesture. Or do a Johann Blake 'Beast' . That should at least give them something to talk about...

SexyBexy profile image

Keep it up. If you're walking so what? I bet they just wish they could run and don't have the guts to get out there and start themselves. It takes a lot for me to get out of the door but once I've got back the feeling of something achieved is addictive. Don't let negative comments hold you back.

Pelephant profile image

I agree. Don't worry about them. I've found as I've worked my way through I've had more encouraging smiles and comments than horrible ones. Also I've noticed that generally the most encouraging comments and smiles have come from other runners and cyclists (whether I'm walking or running because they KNOW) The only laughs and horrible comments have been from people driving past in cars. Nuff said! One day you will get a lovely smile that will mean the world to you and you will carry it with you for days.

SBG356 profile image

I agree with all these comments too but know how you feel. When I leave my house and walk the 5 mins I just have this feeling that all the neighbours are peeking from behind their curtains thinking "cant she run?" even though I know this isnt the case.

I too do laps in my park, though I am trying to vary my routes now as it was getting boring, and when I would stop to walk I would make a dramatic look at my watch and "press" it to show those in the know that I'm doing interval training, then "press" it again when Laura tells me to run! Interval training is the best form so those that know this would understand; the rest are just ignorant. You are exercising, building stamina and are doing this sensibly so just concentrate on that.

I'm on W4 too LeilaB so good luck on completing it!

rungirlrun69 profile image

Go girl and don't you take any notice. I had played at jogging for years before my friend introduced me to the lovely Laura. My normal routine was a 25 minute circular jog starting and ending at my front door - so I joined the 5K programme at week 8. Laura introduced me to the whole concept of a 5 min warm up and warm down walk and its kept me injury free - I no longer suffer from aching muscles and painful calves. I'm now working up to a 10K - but regularly use Laura's 5K+ speed and stamina podcasts within my 7K long run to give me confidence and keep me on track. I used to worry about the neighbours watching me walk - now I know its a relevant and necessary part of the run. Everyone who asks me about my running I refer to Laura!

Pearsey profile image

Don't take any notice. I'm deaf, but lip read very well, so read the comments. I can hear the podcasts though, as on full volume. Sometimes I sing along with the music-main reason being that you should be able to talk and run, so as no-one to speak to I sing! Had some funny looks, especially on the last 5 minute warm down, but had an elderly chap with a dog say to me not to take any notice-I'm doing what a lot of them can't do (with the running) and they're just jealous. Yes, the walking is the one where they seem to stare, but just carry on-and sing! maybe, as he does, they will start to think this is part of what you have to do??

Well done rungirlrun69-you have the right attitude-keep it up.

pingle profile image

When I first started C25k I was pretty paranoid about being seen out in my running kit and worried that people would make rude comments. I tried to find places to be run where i wouldn't be seen and I didn't even tell hubby what I was up to until I was at about week 4! As time has gone by I find I care less and less about what people might think. I even turn up to the school gate ready to run once I've seen the offspring off. Surprise, surprise I have found that most people are actually quite impressed that you are out there, off the couch, doing something healthy. Even the really fit, sporty mums who scared me a bit have been really supportive and positive when I explain what I am doing and a couple of the other 'round' mums have also taken up c25k. One of them told me I had inspired her to exercise the other day to my huge astonishment!

Frockyhorror is right - most people are either too wrapped up in their own concerns to notice you or are actively impressed. The few who are rude (and I really haven't encountered anyone who was) are not worth bothering about. My plan if anyone is rude now is to challenge them to a parkrun! Not very many people can manage 5k unless they are runners and if they are they will know what it entails and not be rude so I reckon I could take them!

Btw my change in attitude is entirely in my head! While I am definitely fitter and have lost about half a stone since I started C25k, I have not magically become a foot taller or skinny and athletic and am definitely still one of what my daughter calls the 'round' mums. You go girl! You are the one getting fitter and healthier and lapping everyone one on the couch as well as all the walkers in the park. Definitely a result! ;-)

Jodie92 profile image

I really do get like this too, especially since I'm wearing full jogging gear so when I end an interval I feel people look at me like she must be so unfit, because I live in a student area it feels worse because young adults can be really judgemental. But I'm not gonna let it get to me because its true, any decent person into fitness will be happy to see other people trying to be healthy, and the ones who aren't well, if they are judging than who are they to say anything. All the people I've spoke to about this programme agree its the best way to get into running.

LeilaB profile image

Thanks guys, your comments are really inspirational I'm glad I'm not the only one worrying a about about what people think. but I've definitely took more notice of the positive responses like people smiling and nodding encouragingly.

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