Completed my 2nd parkrun this morning, It was my closest parkrun which is quite hilly as I wimped out and did a very flat one for my first 2 weeks ago. It was a lovely morning , sunny with a nip in the air, I settled in around about the back of the group, passed a few people on the flat, and got a little bit blocked on a narrower track so ran a bit slower than I wanted to, managed to get past them before the bottom of the first big hill( huge ,enormous..ok probably 500m uphill but seems like BenNevis) I slowed down and took my time to get up the hill, and at one point had a few people walking in front of me at the same pace! I got past them near the top and the run levels out for a bit before going back down hill, Some of the walkers overtook me running on the level and then started walking again and I passed them for a second time, some others passed me and kept going too. The run levels out again and then dips down before another climb right back up to the start, I just took it steady ,felt my beetroot face doing its job of heat conduction at the bottom of this hill, by the top and finish it must have been really clashing with my top but who cares! I made it without walking and my time was 33.48 so that will do! Beetroot face took at least half an hour to recover to anything resembling normal!
Parkrun#2 beetroot face back with a vengeance! - Couch to 5K
Parkrun#2 beetroot face back with a vengeance!

That's brilliant - well done.
Kudos on the 'race my own race' attitude rather than a 'people are walking faster, must speed up' type ego-driven race.
Keep moving! ;-).

Good time, heavyhorse! You did really well, especially with those fiendish hills and dips.

Ahhh, hills. It's always a laugh when you're huffing and puffing and giving it your all, and folks are passing you while walking. Well done on a challenging route.

Thats a brilliant time for what sounds like a difficult course heavyhorse. I can't run 5k in that time even on the flat! ☺
PS. I too am a beetrootfaced runner. Takes bloomin ages to calm down again 😆😆😆

Yes! You did it... did the trial run the other day, help at all???
Well done on doing it, hills and all in a great time!
I am full of admiration!
the trial run probably did nothing to help physically, but definitely helped mentally, and kept the gremlins at bay, they are mostly gone now but resurface when I try something new, hopefully I have banished them from hills now I have braved them a little bit! I also missed a little bit of the course on my trial which was why I had to do an extra loop on Wednesday! And thanks for your support it means a lot and I think of you all when it gets a bit hard work!
Well done! I'd be well chuffed with that time. Xx
Very good run, well done

Wow awesome time with the climb too! Well done