C25Kers - A warning from the future......... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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C25Kers - A warning from the future.........

Greg_M profile image
35 Replies

So two years ago I was a slightly doughy, couch based peronality like my lie-ins, pies and a pint or two and slightly sneeery about exercising types but something changed, somewhere, somewhen (Grrrrrrr C25K grrrrrrrrrr).

I now appear to be the person who gets up at 6:00a.m. on a Sunday morning drives to an unfamiliar town in order to queue up with 2500 people to run in a great big circle until they have either covers 13 miles or they can't move any more - whichever comes first.

When? How?

Even starting out on C25K I was adamant that I wanted to be able to run for 30 minutes, that would be 5k ish and fit nicely into my life without me having to make too many adjustments. Quite certain I wasn't that interested in any more but slowly it became 7K and I started ParkRuns, then 10K and I started some more races, then 10 miles so I could accompany a colleague on one of his club races. Shortly after I started doing 10mile races without a colleague and now have done a half-marathon.

It creeps up on you, if you want it to, slowly but surely, if you let it. It is a long term business this, no quick wins, but equally no rocket science just simply going out there and doing it until you can do it better; just mileage, that's all oh and a heap of looking after yourself. I think in the grand scheme of things I probably took longer to half-marathon distance than many but I am a slowly - steady kind of person but even so looking back that's probably my "take away" that it is a long term thing you don't go out there do a few weeks and become Mo! I have taken two years to take twice as long as him :-D

But no matter, I won't be elite, it's not defeatist I don't have the time or inclination (I know I said that before a couple of years ago) and am too old! But I have a whole heap of things to try out and PBs to better and longer distances to run and that will take up waaaay too much of my time in any case so I don't need to be really godd at running round a track 3367637 times!

No way would I have forseen this two years ago, not that I wouldn't be capable, but that at that time I did not want it, but expectations change over time and as I got more capable it opened up more doors - we joke on here from time-to-time that week 9 of the C25K routine is not the end just the start - but really it is true - it gives a base level of fitness from where you can have a crack at loads of other things. Try them all there are so many options and life is short - I am signing up for a ten mile cross country down the Ridgeway; which might very well kill me but I have never done that before and worst comes to the worst it's some great scenery ( I may have mentioned before that I really like cross country now - how about that for a school boy PE underachiever :-) ?)

Stick with it (assuming you enjoy it) the benefits are real and there will be some aches and pains along the way for sure - count on it - the benefits may come slowly but one day you look back and think - "huh? what happened?"


Anyways sorry I am wittering on.

Halfer today was hard work, got there really early so I got a good parking space and no queues for picking up my number or dropping my bag off. And so I could go to the toilet about half a dozen times - no moreon that topic. Surprised myself by actually having everything I wanted with me even charging up my Garmin 8).

Weather was kind, yesterday was really hot, a friend suffered on a 5 miler in the heat, dry but cloudy with a bit of a breeze - perfect.

2500 people there and the race was started by Sophie Christiansen the paralympic equestrian gold medalist - we ran right by her gold post box. Very cool.

Then running running blah blah more running blah more running gosh its a long way!

Through the local towns so loads of people out clapping and egging us on including groups of ultra-enthusiastic kids jumping up and down waving flags. You know what it really helped I can't imagine what it must have been like running round the Olympic stadium - though I have to say we were offered loads more jelly babies and wine gums by kids with impromptu refreshment stalls than they were 8-)

Last 3K were really hard, prayed many times for someone to say it had all been called off but no I had to tough it out and finish properly like it or not.

Finishing time was 1:48 and change which was pretty decent I thought. I was after sub 2:00. So chuffed I have to say and now I have a bench mark for the next one. Yes the "NEXT" one - when did I become that person??????

Gory details here for anyone into that stuff


I will not convey the pong from my shirt though for which you should all be thankful.

Is it wrong to be sad it is over? Its been on my horizon for so long it seems and now its finished?

Off to rest my poor tired hamstrings and air my trainers.

Oh and best of all I feel I can be on the same board as Carol finally our half marathon trail blazer even if my run wasn't as exciting as hers!!

See y'all soon.

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Greg_M profile image
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35 Replies
sfb350 profile image

A very inspiring blog, Greg !

I have to agree with you - I only ever thought I'd want to run 5k, just enough to keep fit. Now, while I certainly don't want it to take over my life, I do want to improve and run further - maybe even a marathon one day (next year?). I think your slow and steady approach to increasing your distance has probably contributed to your staying injury-free.

Great time too !

Fraz73 profile image

What an inspirational blog and congratulations on your half marathon! If my next two years go like yours I will not be disappointed. I want to expand my running after completing C25K. I've already downloaded B210K in preparation and while we don't have a parkrun here, there is a local group currently running each Saturday in the hopes of raising enough to start a full time parkrun. I've been in contact with them and to their credit they've already invited me to participate and one guy even offered to run the podcast I'm on with me so I wouldn't feel left out!!

So more interval training and a potential weekly parkrun are in my future once I graduate. I hope next year I can start entering 5k races and work to 10k and then, who knows?

TJFlute profile image

Great blog Greg and 1.48 wow! You thrashed your own goal. :D

I wonder how many pork pies that was.

Greg_M profile image
Greg_MGraduate in reply toTJFlute

Surprisingly few!


I feel pork pies may be a rare treat.....

arablue profile image

Thanks Greg, what a great post!

I usually end up wittering on too, when I just planned to put a quick comment, so I love your post even more!

I have just done wk5 Day 1 (yesterday). After dreading it for ages, I found that it was actually OK. Not easy, but OK. In fact I told myself that I could have run for longer if I had to. Which comforts me when thinking about 2 x 8min tomorrow.

I am already getting the bug, the running bug. Last weekend my brother & sister in law surprised us with a visit and invitation to tea. It's lovely to see them as we don't very often, but I found myself looking at the clock thinking "If I stretch now, I still can do my run and have time for a shower before we go out." Who me? What about my laptop, the internet, the Indian take away? Forget them, I need to run!

Thanks for the warning, but you're already too late. Also, my husband sees it too - he sent me a link to sign up for the Bath half marathon next year! A little hasty I feel, but who knows what the future holds? :-)

Greg_M profile image
Greg_MGraduate in reply toarablue

Bath would be lovely, you must! If not next year the year after. Bath is fab.

arablue profile image
arablue in reply toGreg_M

Thanks Greg. Your enthusiasm is inspiring! Being able to cope with 5k and even, dare I say, enjoy it would be great. But watch this space, you never know! ;-)

Ribena profile image
Ribena in reply toGreg_M

I'm tempted by Bath too....

Greg_M profile image
Greg_MGraduate in reply toRibena

2013 meetup!

Ribena profile image
Ribena in reply toGreg_M

I found a couch to half marathon plan that fits the number of weeks to Bath exactly.... I think I'm in. When's the latest date I can sign up?

in reply toRibena

can you post a link to the couch to half marathon plan? What Greg said about the desire to do longer distance is very true. Initially I was only interested in 5K's and did a few of then, doing my first 10K race in two weeks and am already wondering if my legs have a half marathon in then.

Deryn61 profile image

Fab post, well done you!

davehedgehog profile image

Well done! I too only wanted to do 5k when I started out and somehow Ive signed up for a 10k race in october!

AliB1 profile image
AliB1Graduate in reply todavehedgehog

I know that feeling

runningwild profile image

Hear, hear Greg, you are truly an inspiration and well done on your 'halfer' and all your running, past and future! Sounded a bit sci-fi 'warning from the future,' made me smile. You're right, I'm already envisaging myself running 3 times a week for 30 mins, just for starters! Oh well, bit to go yet... ;)

swanscot profile image

Congratulations, Greg on running your first half-marathon. A great time too! I can see how easily (yet with great effort) you get dragged in deeper and deeper with this running lark. There's always a longer distance to go, or a PB to beat, or a race to attend...

suki_007 profile image

Thank you so much for your wonderful blog and so many congratulations on your run, your journey to get here and your great time today. You're worrying me, as at the moment I'm quite happy going out every day to run for 35-50 minutes or so, always saying to anyone who asks that, no, I'm not interested in doing long runs. But there you were, and look where you are now.... Crikey. Congratulations again.

Devanski profile image

Absolutely fabulous blog-well done. I think I am going to follow your steps too:-)

Nickyrunning profile image

Posts like this inspire me so much, thanks Greg, such an amazing achievement. Well done you

AliB1 profile image

Have been wait for your blog! What a fab time!!! Well done you. Your blogs are quite inspirational.....whilst 10k is all I want to do and want to do well it's great to read about other peoples journeys!!!!

wilmacgh profile image

Great blog. What have we let ourselves in for!

doggymum profile image

Well done Greg - fab time, I can only dream of that at this point! However, you are right, something about going through C25K and completing it just makes you want to keep pushing yourself...

And I think you should treat yourself to a pork pie, even if its only a mini one :D

notbad profile image

Lovely blog thanks for sharing Greg, it's marvellous to read about the achievements of those who have trod the C25k path and gone on to do so much more... Phew, tired just reading about it - think I'll stick with the 5k for now... :-)

Malcy profile image

Brilliant! Very well done indeed. Was watching the Great North this morning, totally unable to understand how even the club runners were putting in 6 minute miles for mile after mile. I did the third Great North in 1983 & when I graduated from C25K resolved to do it again next year - thirty years on! But this morning I felt so far away from these guys that I thought twice about it.

You know what? You just got me to recommit to doing it in 2013. Thanks - and best of luck with whatever direction your running takes you next time.

Rose885 profile image

Well done Greg, really great time I'm very impressed! I did my half marathon on Saturday and it didn't go as well (will do a blog soon) but at least it's done and we can feel smug now haha :D

Pelephant profile image

This is so inspiring to read. I really only started C25k because I was so unfit but already just about to start week7 and have surprised myself how much I'm enjoying it. Never thought I would. I've signed up for a 10k in December and yesterday I found myself watching the Great North thinking ... could I?? All from someone who hated PE at school. Please keep us updated Greg as to how you are getting on. I do love to read all these sucess stories.

Gridlet profile image

Congratulations Greg! Awesome time! You are so inspirational, thanks for sharing your wise words and fantastic experience! It sounds like it was a wonderful day.

You are right, running takes hold of you, it has opened up a whole new world for me, lots of opportunities and healthy new life.

ceefin profile image

Well done Greg, great job!

And an inspirational blog to all the beginners and new graduates.

I only wanted a focus for the no smoking, but it's become a new habit and i can't complain lol

virtualrunner profile image

really inspirational- if a little worrying ;-) many thanks for posting - and Well Done!

Allyt profile image

....'simply going out there and doing it until you can do it better; '

I love this quote from your blog - I've read it over and over again, and it really sums it up for me. I'm on my rest day, and I'm itching to get out there again after reading this - you are such an inspiration!

FromLogToJog profile image

Totally inspired! Know what you mean about those early starts (didn't realise I could even manage them).

Legion profile image

Briiliant blog (and warning!), thanks Greg. :D I thought I'd be happy if I could run 5K but I already think I want (eventually) to run further and do cross-country. Just hope my knees like the idea. ;) Congrats on your 'half' and an astounding time. :)

toonfan71 profile image

Great blog great and i am struggling to get past week 3 grrrr but hey time will tell what happens. I wouldnt mind doing the Great North Run but i may finish bout last or 2nd to last, but who cares, you completed it then you try again to see if you can better your time.

Roll on with c25k which i mayget done by next year and do some 5k runs then will i end up doing 10k probably.

Well done on your half marathon time to same time next year Gregg lol

stayinbed profile image

Wow, fantastic, wonderful, brilliant! I'll never be you, I'm stressing over beating my pb at the parkrun!!! I accidentally ran 6.2k the other night because I forgot my route and thought I had to do a bit extra to notch up the 5K! Very well done! Your story's an inspiration! Just shows what can be done!

Bugsie profile image

Very well done Greg you are an inspiration! I know what you mean, my initial new years resolution was to run 5k, I'm now working up to 10k and hope to enter some races next year. I'm slow and steady too - took me a good 4 months to complete C25K but I'm still injury free and I got there in the end.

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