Hi all you budding runners. I graduated about two and a half years ago and had moved on to running hills and trails, but still look back at the C25K programme as setting the foundations for everything. I also lost 1/3 of my body weight at the time, so if you're doing C25K to lose weight, stick in there - it will happen.
To my point though. Way back, a group of us discussed the fact that one of the problems with C25K is that it's a solitary effort - just us and Laura keeping us company through the podcasts. We discussed the idea of setting up local groups where Couchers could come together, working through the programme, supporting and encouraging each other face to face rather than only online. I've persuaded my local running club to set up just such a group in Falkland, Fife. The group is running under the banner of Jog Scotland (the same as the equivalent system in England), and I've done their jog leader training in preparation for it.
The plan is to run 3 x ten week blocks each year, each block taking a group of folk through what is basically the NHS C25K programme. We'll be based in a local estate, well away from the public gaze and will be jogging through woodland. We'll meeting each Saturday morning for a group session (followed by tea and a biscuit), and the Couchers will do their other two runs whenever they like before the next Saturday. I'd be really grateful for any feedback you might have - if you were joining the group, what would your expectations be? What would you want from the group? In fact, would you find any value in being in a group at all - or are you happier running on your own? That kind of stuff.
If you have any thoughts, I'd be grateful to hear them. Thanks in advance, and happy couching!