I originally started this in June, then had a bout of sciatica which scuppered things and with one thing and another just didn't get back into it. I have started again today and it went well. I did a different route which didn't include a hill and felt great at the end. P184 is my mum so am feeling inspired by her (and dad)
R1 W1 again..: I originally started this in June... - Couch to 5K
R1 W1 again..

Thanks Jackie keep it up its a great feeling after each run ,

Good luck for your second go! I had problems for years with my back too and now that's hopefully a thing of the past I'm building up strength here. Your mum inspires me as well - I'm nearly twenty years younger than she is and I always think - if she can do it so can I...

Thanks Mitts, she was already so much fitter than me with her fitness classes and lots of walking, but she has been so fantastic with this C25K that I am also using the "if she can do it I can".. Roll on Tuesday
aww well done your Mum keeps me inspired too she is a lovely lady

Well done you for not giving up and getting back out there as soon as health allowed. I had sciatica when I was expecting my eldest and it was horrible. I'm sure you will do brilliantly on C25K with those great running genes! Love your mum's blogs so I'm sure great blogs run in the family too!