Is anyone doing couch to 5k with a baby? - Couch to 5K

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Is anyone doing couch to 5k with a baby?

gailE17 profile image
9 Replies

Hi Everyone, I've just finished week 2 run 2 of the couch-to-5k plan. I run around my local park while pushing my 4-month old baby in a three wheeled jogging buggy. I get a lot of looks off other mums as if they think I am crazy! Surely I'm not the only one running with a baby? Am loving it so far and hoping it will help me lose those last few pregnancy pounds.

It's hard to get to the gym/go to the swimming pool or do any exercise that involves leaving the baby at home, so this is perfect for me.

I'd love to hear anyone elses experiences or ideas of how to stay fit with a baby in tow.

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gailE17 profile image
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9 Replies
sfb350 profile image

My baby days are long gone but I do think you've probably found the perfect solution to exercising when you've got a small baby. I wish I could have done it when my son was little (he's almost 15 now). Good luck with it !

Perhaps some of the other mums will come round to the idea, they probably hadn't even realised it was an option.

BettyJane profile image

I visited New York last year, and there were loads of jogging Mums in Central Park. That's what those buggies were designed for. Maybe you can start the trend in your park.

angelmummy profile image

I don't but my friends other half is a runner and he take their little boy out with him sometimes (he's now 18 mths), he loves it and spends the whole run with his arms in the air (rollercoaster style) and crys when his Daddy stops! lol.... go for it!!!

Oldgirl profile image

We have a young daddy who comes to our local Parkrun most Saturday's and runs with his little girl (she would be about 18 months old) she just loves it. Well done you on getting out there, why not speak to some of the mums you see and tell them what you are doing you may well find a jogging mummy to join you ;)

Hurler31 profile image

I'll be honest when I first read that I cracked up but reading all the comments this seems like an ace idea. All I need now is a baby :-)

Emcock profile image

I do! I have completed the C25k and am building up to tackling C25k+, but sticking to 30mins 3 times a week at the moment. I prefer to run without baby (I find it hard enough without the weight of a pram!), so go often in the evenings when baby is in bed or weekends when daddy is home. But I often take the pram round the park, but I don't have a jogger pram so have to be careful where I go and my speed (not that that's a worry!). I found C25k the perfect post baby workout, and especially love runs on my own, it almost feels like a trear!

gailE17 profile image

Thanks for your comments! It does seem that jogging with a buggy has become really popular in America but hasn't quite caught on here yet. I love the idea about starting the trend here!

I mentioned that I get lots of funny looks from other mums, but I also get many more encouraging smiles and thumbs up from the other joggers in the park which really helps me keep going! It was nice to hear that you know some toddlers who enjoy being taken out running, I can just imagine my little boy shouting 'faster, mummy!' when he is a bit bigger :o)

totalbeginner profile image

hi my youngest was 10 months olf when i started. like a pp mentioned i tend to go out on evening when Daddy home as we dont have a jogging buggy. we did buy a three wheeled jogging style buggy with my eldest but it said in the instructions not to be used jogging!

good on you - see how you get on. it might be when you get further on and do longer runs easier to go without buggy. but maybe not. if you can time it so they have their nap while youre out thats great too. wityh my first i found it hard to get her tohave a nap unless i took her for a walk with the buggy. i wish i had known about this programme before - i would never have considered runnning

i used to be quite active pre baby days but it is hardr to fit things in, especialy when i went back to work, my home time i felt i wanted to spend as much time as possible with the kids. usually i do my runs when they both in bed

e11iejane profile image

Hi there,

I'm just starting the C25K and I also have a 4-month-old baby (born April 30th). I really need some motivation! I feel like a complete idiot when running but hoping the podcasts will help me to focus. I plan to run with the buggy as well, as my baby doesn't take a bottle well and wakes up multiple times after being put to bed - so evenings are tricky!

Feel free to get in touch if you want to chat about running with babies!

- Ellie

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