Well, today's run could have gone better. My wife came back from her run and I got ready to head out because she said it looked like there was rain coming.
Yeah... It came just as I left and only got heavier as I ran. I got soaked badly, which didn't make me happy. I completely failed to pace myself, as I was rushing from cover to cover and slowing to a crawl anywhere I could get out of the rain.
Worse than that, it was W3R1, so I had my first (this time around) taste of running 3 minutes straight. Just as I started it, I had to cross a road and a car stopped to let me cross. It was only polite to speed up, but I struggled to drag myself back down to a 'light jog' and tired myself out.
So, no pacing, soggy clothes and trainers, body aching and chest burning... I was not having fun. I remember being okay last time, so I know it's just a one-off bad run, but that didn't make it any more enjoyable.
To make myself feel better, I had the last of a tub of (dairy-free) chocolate ice-cream (I'm trying not to lose weight, so I'm allowed) and made myself feel ill. Typical way to end the day really.
I have tomorrow to recover and then I'm hoping for a better Wednesday.