Or something. For the second time in three weekends I missed the opportunity to go for a nice daytime run in gorgeous weather on the Saturday, so had to go in the rain and dark on Sunday. It's been a busy day with no chance to go out until I had to take Miss Rainbow to her youth group in the next village this evening. Aha, I thought - a good opportunity to run somewhere slightly different (although very familiar as I've run there lots in the past few years), so I got ready and off we went.
Cedric first piped up when I was getting ready to start, telling me I hadn't put a fresh podcast on my phone. No problem, I can just reuse Week 9 and add a bit on the end if I feel like it. *squish* Then he pointed out it was raining and I hadn't picked up a run belt which would protect my phone better than it just being in my pocket. No problem, I could put it on a spare bag which was in the car, then in my pocket. *squish* He seemed to take offence that his 'helpful' advice was being spurned and stomped off back to his lair.
Gremlin thus dispatched, off I set. Walk up to the main road, turn around and start heading back along the nice long road going ever so gently downhill. Round all the cul-de-sacs, down to the next big road, along, round the crescents, down round all the loops to the big main road - and start the long drag uphill.
Cedric felt it was time for his next motivational moment (ahem!), and cheerfully pointed out this was a loooooong uphill drag that I always find tough. But I only had ten minutes to go, and I was determined. Didn't matter how slowly I went, I was going to get up that hill if I could - and if I couldn't, then I was going to turn round and run back down the way I'd just come. Walking was not an option! The last minute or so was really tough, but I got there, turned the corner and - oh, blessed relief - started to go downhill again!
Since things were going so well, when Laura told me that was the end, I told her it wasn't - I was going to get to the end of this road, and run back along the high street. So I did. Thirty three mins running, 2.7 miles (4.3km). That'll do for me 😊😊😊