This morning I was planning to do a straight 30 minute run to the week 9 podcast. I've done it 3 times before so it should have been straightforward, right?
In case you haven't been following my blogs (or don't remember which ones were mine) I'll just remind you about my tight calves. This morning I had trouble walking downstairs because of them. I actually did some stretches before I put my running gear on. But I've run before when I've had trouble walking down the stairs, so I figured I'd just get out and go for it.
I set out at what I thought was a similar pace to my graduation run on Friday, but I covered an extra 100m in the first 5 minutes. Got my calculator out when I got home and worked out that I set out at 10.2km/h which is rather faster than the 9km/h I did on Friday. But don't worry, I did get slower!! Obviously, I couldn't maintain that sort of pace (I would have covered 5.1K in 30 mins at that rate and my Race For Life time was 35½mins!!) but I was determined to keep going. And I kept going for over 25 minutes but when I got to 9 times round the rec (4.05km) I had to stop. My left calf, in particular, was just really really tight, but I felt exhausted.
As I was berating myself for only running for about 26mins I remembered what an amazing achievement it had been to run for a straight 25 mins at the end of week 6. And I've still had a run, and it will have done me good. I have 'phoned and left a message with a sports massage person, so I'm hoping to get some work done on my calves. Don't want to use that as an excuse, however.
Will try again on Thursday to run for 30mins and see if I can set my pace a bit better this time.