So this morning I got dressed, set up my music and was ready to start my treadmill run.
The first sign where I should have noticed that something was not right was the first three minute run. it seemed an eternity - but i made it to the end. The 90 second walk which followed felt more than 9 secs.
OK - so here comes the 5 minute run. I lasted 2 -1/2 minutes. I couldn't do another second. I had cramp in my calves, but that's happened before and I've run through it. Not sure if it was boredom or the change in time. I normally do my training in the early morning (6:30am) before work. It's about 10am now and I've had breakfast already.
I've given in and will give it another shot tomorrow. Hopefully this will go better. The first two runs this week were difficult, but I had a sense of satisfaction when it was done. Hopefully I'll have that feeling tomorrow.
Wish me luck as I really want to start Week 5 ... or should I repeat Week 4 next week?