After a visit to the osteopath this morning and a much improved back I decided to get back on the wagon. It's been a few weeks. I tried one run a couple of weeks ago it was terrible. So have rested. I wanted to make sure I didn't make anything worse so I jogged at a nice steady 7.5kph. Not knowing my fitness and how much I could tolerate I tried out a week 3 run.
It was nice and not too straining. I could feel the back twinging as I got to the end of the run, so just right. I decided to do an extra ten minutes of walking with a gradient at the end.
My heart rate seemed to stabilise quite low for me at 150 ish while running. I suppose it's the short bursts. When I could do half an hour running it would hit 180 by the end.
It feels good to get back out there, even if it feels I have stepped back three months.