So, July promises to be an exciting month with the release of our new series of podcasts to help you run further and faster after Couch to 5k. Laura and others in the NHS Choices team are putting the final touches to the podcasts and the supporting content at the moment and we still intend to release them this month. We want to make sure they're out with plenty of the "summer" left. As soon as I know when they're going to be released, I'll be sure to let you know. We're releasing a separate 'Strength and flexibility' series of podcasts around the same time as well, so look out for those.
With the t-shirts, I'm waiting for designs to come back from the chap who did the Couch to 5k logo for us. I've asked for at least two designs and will post them in a blog and ask you to choose which you like best. I'll then send the winner to and they'll let me know how much the shirts will cost. Complete runner will make the shirts available via its site and you'll be able to complete the transaction online. At this stage I don't know if we'll be able to subsidise the cost in any way. I'll know more on that when we've got a costing from Completerunner. That's it for now. If you're out running today, have a good one & I hope you dodge the showers.
Best wishes