Having got my arse back on the running wagon I decided to go out on Wed afternoon, It was a very humid afternoon and so I did my old "Laura" route so as not to over heat! I set map my run ond off \i trotted, I quite enjoyed it but it was soooo hot. On the home stretch through the park I ran towards a woman,she was looking at me weirdly so I just upped my pace, like us runners do (!) and carried on. \i got home and checked my map my run app to find for the second time this week it had failed me and had recorded only a minute of my run............PANTS!
Then I came face to face in the hallway with a victim of a brutal murder, her throat was dripping red and pooled in her cleavage, ARGH!
Oh, hang on a minute, it's the mirror.......Yes, I had made the mistake of running with a head of very fresh hair dye, I AM STOOPID!
That poor woman in the park!
Anyway, I am thinking I might just dye my hair a normal colour if I want to carry on this running lark
AND I reckon I've got my mojo back