Ages? How old are you?: I am 36 and just... - Couch to 5K

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Ages? How old are you?

jillysis profile image
80 Replies

I am 36 and just intrigued to know what ages people in this community are? I used to be very fit in my 20's and then kids came along and only now do i feel the fog lifting and am able to focus on something other than my 2 wonderful children.

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jillysis profile image
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80 Replies

Hi Jillysis

I am 44. I have been a walker for a few years then, in May I decided to start running and training myself for the 2013 Dubai Marathon.

You are not taking anything away from your children in dedicating an hour or so for your self. Your children will benefit of a more healthy and mentally positive mum !


suerob profile image

I'm 62, overweight (so attending WeightWatchers and gradually losing) with arthritic hips and knees. I've just finished Week 3 and already feel the benefit of being so active. !8 months ago I got to Week 8 but for a variety of reasons didn't finish Week 9, so I KNOW I can get through the next few gruelling weeks!

handstand profile image
handstandGraduate in reply to suerob

Rooting for your success!

Deryn61 profile image

I am 50,will be 51 in August. Avoided running for most of my adult life until I started C25K in Nov. (I have also been following Weightwatchers healthy eating guidelines and have lost just over 4 of the 5 stone I had to lose).

easterunner profile image

41 and as from this morning I'm a C25K GRADUATE!!

PatButcher profile image
PatButcherGraduate in reply to easterunner

Whoop! :)

shellieboots profile image
shelliebootsGraduate in reply to easterunner


maddykins profile image

Hi Jillysis I am 41 , hated running at school just taken it up beginning of this year and love it , now a graduate run 3 times a week , train 2 times a week and feel young again.

laura--s profile image

Hi, I am 31. Have had children and now my youngest is at pre school and I have finished college for the year I have a little bit of time for me. Yay!!

I'm a little overweight but hoping that running along with light weight training and watching what I eat I'll get to where I want to be ;-)

Have a holiday in Sept and would love to wear a swimsuit with confidence :-D

Zagel profile image

Hi, I was 40 in Feb, didnt hate but just didnt get into sports at school, up until April this year I didnt really leave the computer screen very much at all.

I am very overweight, on weight watchers (doing at home, no meetings) and slowly losing weight due to excercise and better eating.

I see similar stories to mine from lots of people on this site, I told people here about my weight and running before my friends heh, while they have been supportive now I have told them, it was a pretty scary thing to do.

mrqwest profile image

I'll be 31 in August and got started on the c25k plan a few months back. I had planned on starting it last year as our eldest son (now almost 3) was beginning to be active at the park - last thing I wanted was to be a jibbering wreck after a few minutes running with him. Alas, that didn't happen and after our second son arrived in November, I promised both boys & myself I'd do it.

My next run tomorrow *will* be my graduation run

rachie1752 profile image

I am 36, too. I am about to go for my first post graduation run!

I have two teenage boys, who both have special needs so it has been a bit tricky to do much. Me and hubby have been prioritising the programme and we have found it really helps with stress relief!

ClaireB1973 profile image

I'm 38, and have 4 children, I used to horse ride in my teens and after I had my first two children ( now 14 and 12) I did a bit of aerobics but was so unco- ordinated I used to find myself tripping over my feet and bumping into the person next to me so decided excersise wasn't for me! I have suffed bad back problems after having my 4th baby ( she is 3) and was told to get active or it would worsen! I always envied runners and it fits in so well with busy family life - you pick your moment and just go! Got to week 9, but not been able to say I've graduated properly because I'm still suffering shin splints...but not giving up!

TJFlute profile image

I'm 45 and have four children.

shelleymcb profile image
shelleymcbGraduate in reply to TJFlute

43 with 5 children, a cat, a rabbit, some fish, shrimps & crabs from the seaside & soon some more chickens to replace the 3 a fox had x

Greg_M profile image

A sprightly 43.

emzylou profile image

I am 31, mum of two little ones. As of yesterday I am now a graduate, woo hoo! Now I can run, I want it to stay that way :-)

I am also overweight, I have lost nearly a stone since starting c25k so don't give up people!!

unfit profile image

I am 57 and have never run at all since I was at school. Just about to do W7r3!

Burstcouch profile image

I am 52, would be good to have an overall picture of everyone's age on this programme.

CouchSpud profile image

I'm 48, not run since school and even then we only ever played hockey.. Like skiing but can only do that during the winter, horse ride for an hour once a week.

Still can't believe I've got this far, now on WK8 R2 !!

sheppy profile image

I'm 52 in 2 weeks, just started week 2 and loving it

MaryAB profile image

I'm 31

glendam52 profile image

I will be 60 in August never ever run before for anything. Have 4 grown up children and two granddaughters. I lost a friend very suddenly last November and something clicked in my head that I may not see my beautful granddaughters get married or whatever. So decided to do something started useing treadmill in January when I was 6 stone overweight. Tried running once but got to 20 seconds and almost collapsed too much too fast before finding Laura.

Anyway found Laura in March and after two false starts only getting to week 2 bad knee and good holiday I started again in May and start week 9 today. I will get there also following weight watchers I have lost 34lb too.

miacis profile image
miacis in reply to glendam52

wow - amazing - well done!

flowerbox profile image

I'm 37 and I have two children (twin boys). I haven't done any exercise in about 10 years and I'm doing the plan mainly to increase my fitness, if I lose weight that will be a bonus.

I've just done W5R3!

gypsydepp profile image

I'm 53 and have one son who is 15.

Have always been a bit of a gym bunny ( off and on ) but never ran as I thought I couldn't.

Started c25k on a bit of a whim and it just "clicked".

Graduated at the beginning of may.

Absolutely love the program and this site's community.

Haven't run properly for about 12 days due to enforced injury break...but getting back out there on thursday and literally am so excited its pathetic !!!

PastyMan profile image

I'm 50 but graduated at 49 .... had to put on a spurt near the end ;-)

Not a runner ... ever but did play a bit of football and cricket and enjoyed walking

Am now quite happily doing 3 * 30 minute runs weekly as a post grad and really enjoying it

notlaura profile image

39 with 3 children 19,16 and 14. Never would have believed running was for me but now love it! (Most of the time)

OldNed profile image

I'm 62 (graduated on my birthday). I'd always been active but it was cycling & hill walking; I hadn't run since school, 45 years ago! But this programme has changed me; I've now done two 10K runs and think of myself as a runner (Yay, thanks Laura) and running as part of my life and "something I do".

handstand profile image
handstandGraduate in reply to OldNed

Wow, hope i can follow your lead!

ggcd profile image

I am 42 in July. I have two children age 11 and 8. I have never run, God knows how many times I have tried to do it but I have failed every time!!!. I am in my week 11 which made me a graduate and I do run two days a week 5k and once a week 7 k.

Thanks for your help people without you I would never made it!.

DontBeBlueBeARainbow profile image

I am 24, no kids, but have never been active, always hated activity at school, never found a sport to enjoy and was overweight in my late teens.

After losing over 2 stone to get into a normal BMI, decided to give running a try, fully expecting to be in pain and give up, as I had so many time before.

But having lost the weight it wasn't as painful as I thought and no longer being a student, I enjoyed having something to aim for in my daily life.

Just did my graduation run this morning! This plan has changed me completely :D

Rosey21 profile image
Rosey21Graduate in reply to DontBeBlueBeARainbow

Well done on the weight loss & for graduating!! :D

handstand profile image

56 and 1/2. Tried a c25k without a podcast and failed. Too complicated too run and watch the clock. Also took it too fast and would be winded in no time. This podcast was the solution. Easy to follow and doable. Haven't fallen in love with running, but appreciate all it has done for me - especiallt self realization that i can accomplish the unimaginable!

Jaelle profile image

I'm 40, and have 2 & 3 year old. Have never really done sport/exercise before due to issues with my hips & leg length discrepancy (corrected).

I lost 4 stone last year on SW, but realised I need exerscie to "finish" that job off in terms of tone etc.

have also realised that actually I CAN - whatever it maybe ;)

PatButcher profile image

Hi, I'm 46 with 3 boys aged 12,7 and 4, Hated any kind of sport, was always one of the last to be picked at school alongside the kid with Asthma and the geek who no one liked! Have been going to the gym for years but it gets boring doing the same old stuff so thought I'd try running, done it before when I was younger and fitter but this time it was tough! Started c25k in January and it took me the 9 weeks to graduate, I still try to run 3 times a week and have done one 5k race in May. I hope to do a 10k in the near future :)

LuciRose profile image

I'm 24, no kids, hated PE at school! Graduating from uni seems to be when I started getting more active. I have done karate for a couple of years, wanted to add running to up my fitness before my black belt grading (which hopefully will be this December!). Born with dislocated hips (all sorted now thanks to some super awesome surgeons!) so wanted a programme that would ease me in gently - and c25k has been perfect :)

I just turned 58 in May, no kids, but I've got a great hubby...have never run before (never really could while growing up), but now I can...I'm retired 3 years now and am more committed to being healthier than when I was's never too late...this program has enabled me to find something I enjoy (more than going to the gym...although I still did it in between runs), I've lost inches and pounds that I didn't expect. Right now I have an injury that will heal, and I'll be right back at it once I've recovered, but I just love reading a lot of the posts that don't necessarily apply to my situation...lots of information shared and mega encouragement. You'll find this running community is ageless...and caring, welcome aboard!

Skandia profile image

50 this year Gulp!

No exercise since school. Hate anything competitive and want to do things at my own speed. On week three after 6 weeks! No chance of getting to 5K in the 9 weeks. But one day...

Gridlet profile image

I'm 52 but feel a lot younger since doing this programme. Aches, pains and stiffness gone!

Anonymous36 profile image

I'm also 36, always disliked any form of exercise (mostly because I was crap at it). I have 2 teenage kids (on offer, bogof lol) and I love running! Started c25k in March and haven't looked back since :)

shelleymcb profile image
shelleymcbGraduate in reply to Anonymous36

" 2 teenage kids (on offer, bogof lol)"


icandothis profile image

im nearly 48, two boys 19 and 17 have not run since school but graduated yesterday ;)

mwgolfacademy profile image

I'm 53, I haven't run since school, totally hooked now though thanks to the Couch to 5K! Ran my first 10k race last weekend and would just love to run a half marathon some time soon:)

andystev profile image

374, at least it feels like I am this morning! Actually 45.

newyorker570 profile image

I'm 54, Haven't run since school, many moons ago. Now on week 7 and loving it. Health benefits are feeling fitter, more flexible (for some reason can now touch my toes which I have never been able to do even as a child). My normal walking pace has improved and a general feeling of well being. Weight dropping off nicely, body shape changing (must mention Mr Paul Mckenna think yourself thin). Thankyou Laura, Thankyou Paul. Everyone just keep plodding and blogging.

snowey100 profile image

Doesn't this show... "its only a number !!!!!" .....................

herdwick profile image

51. Never been fit in my life, never run either apart from to catch a bus / train / sheep

hollyO profile image

I have just turned 49. Overweight by about 4 stone but I have still managed to finish the programme. I LOVE IT AND EVERYONE ON HERE! Been at WW on and off for about 23 years (!) which is why I find the diet side difficult!! I feel healthier and fitter and there is slightly less of me now!

hollyO profile image
hollyOGraduate in reply to hollyO

Ps. I have done no running since school either!

Rosey21 profile image
Rosey21Graduate in reply to hollyO

I can relate to the on and off with WW. You know it works but sticking to it is hard. I got to my goal, thought I could do it alone and put it all back on lol So back I go, tail between legs :)

Rosey21 profile image

Turned 22 in May :) I always liked the idea of being fit and having the body that goes with it...I just didn't like putting in the effort :D I could never find anything that I'd stick with so I was really surprised that from the beginning of this program I've always been chomping at the bit to get back out and run! I can't imagine not doing it now :) I've lost 3lbs since I've started and I'm going to start popping along to WW to lose the extra stone I need to be at my ideal weight :)

happierswimming profile image

I'm 61 and use the podcasts as the first 30 minutes of my 3x a week gym visit. i run on a treadmill although I have been out to run on grass twice during the 5 weeks I've been doing it. After the treadmill, I do a swissball class or some weight work then I walk through the town to the baths to swim. The whole process takes most of the morning and since I've got dogs, i have to spend a most of the afternoon recovering before taking them for a 5k walk :)

tantrumbean profile image

I'm 38, always hated running at school. Did quite a bit of cycling till the dog moved in, but then that sort of fell by the wayside, because there just wasn't time to take him out for long walks and then go out on the bike for several hours as well (and not really fair leaving him on his own either). So for the last 3 years, I haven't really done any exercise apart from dog walking. Running was always one of those things I wished I liked, because it's just so easy to fit round everything else - just open the front door and off you go!

hermioneinc profile image

Hello I'm 24, just finished University and just gave up my 9 year smoking habit!!! :O

I always hated PE at school. Especially anything that was a solitary sport. I played Rugby for 3 years at Uni but it is a different type of fitness. Everything is done in short bursts.

My friend told me about the C25K apps but I can across the podcast and gave then a listen and thought they were for me :)

I was worried that because I couldn't see the physically effects of giving up smoking that would mean I would break. But even after the first run I could breathe better than I have in years!

YAY! :)

pingle profile image

I'm 45, 2 kids (7 & 12) and never so much as ran for a bus if I could help it. Recently moved out the country but nearer to my work which freed up a bit of time. I wanted to get fitter and maybe lose some weight as there is a strong family history of diabetes. Didn't want to do anything where anyone would see me and didn't want to waste time travelling to a gym or pool (did used to swim sometimes before). Also hubby trained for a 400 mile bike ride last year which kind of brought home to me just how fat and unfit I had got. Graduated on Sunday and C25k has been brilliant! Just hope I can keep up the momentum! :-)

Lambykin profile image

52 going on 72!! Started this year almost 3 stone over weight - lost almost 2 stone and now need to work on fitness. Friend recommended the podcasts - so much easier than phafing around with stopwatches and timers. Have only been out for one session but I am pleased to have made a start :)

Grammadog1947 profile image

64, will be 65 in a couple months! Back when the earth was still cooling, I completed several marathons (including Boston in 1989) and triathlons (did the Ironman World Championship in Kona, Hawaii, in 1988). Then I quit...all of it. Fastest I ran in the next 23 years was when the ice cream truck pulled away before I got there! Thanks to CaroleC's inspiration I started C25K in on week 8!

traveltoomuch profile image
traveltoomuchGraduate in reply to Grammadog1947

We need to hang out together then, I'm 70! I used to enjoy running at school but that is a looong time ago

Grammadog1947 profile image
Grammadog1947Graduate in reply to traveltoomuch

You are doing fantastic! I've envied you the exotic places where you have been running....keep up the good work...

CaroleC profile image
CaroleCGraduate in reply to Grammadog1947

You go Grammadog, you will soon be a C25K pleased you started and stuck with it!


AliB1 profile image

Hi, I am 44, was 43 when I graduated. I think I'm the opposite to loads of you I loved PE / Gym at school which included cross country /atheltics. After school carried on playing hockey for a few years but after that have had an on / off (mainly off) relationship with the Gym. At the start of this year I was the heaviest I'd ever been so started healthy eating and this programme. Whilst I've continued with the programme fell of the healthy eating wagon between April - June but now back on! So 13lbs down and 1.5 stone to go...I will get there as have now found the right switch in my head!!!

Minx1969 profile image

I'm 43

sounfit profile image

im 50 this year (gulp) and never run before -even at school I managed to get away with it...apart for some quite frantic lacrosse matchs which dont really count. I started C25K as a last ditch attempt to get fitter......and its slowly working, im not out of breath these days and suprisingly get fidgety when I dont go out.

winged_trainers profile image

I'm 19... but it's my 20th birthday soon! :D

ladybugw profile image

im 41, and my children are all but grown up now so i can't use that as an excuse anymore . I'm surer i will try to find some others . w1r1 today i feel like the new kid in school

CaroleC profile image

I am 51 with just two months to go before the 52 comes up. Started running with the C25K last September having not done any running since an aborted effort several years ago with no programme to follow. THAT didn't last long!

This time around I have graduated, gone on to longer distances and did my first half marathon at the beginning of May. I will not be stopping any time soon!!


avensis profile image

52. Every new year I made the resolution to get fitter but never did anything about it. When I was 49 my daughters (then 13 &11) asked me to do the Sport's relief mile with them. They did it effortlessly and it nearly killed me just to jog/walk it. So turned 50, realised no one was going to get me fit except myself. Eventually found the podcasts. Thought about it for a few months then started last Sept. This year easily managed Sport's relief 3 miles with the girls and was so proud of myself. Feel that I am a good role model to them and hope now that they will incorporate activity and exercise in their life rather than an added extra.

29_and_counting profile image

29 (hence the name) - bit of a 'before I'm 30' resolution. Didn't expect to enjoy it so much!

miacis profile image

Just turned 50 and feeling pretty good having just completed week 1. Lots of aches but getting less - hot bath helps. You lot are really inspiring :-)

Runningwoman profile image

My twin sister and I are 51. We started the program just over 5 weeks ago. No real exercise since school. Should have done this much earlier! It's fantastic.

Janetanne profile image

I'm 47, with two grown up children, work 30 hours a week & help my daughter with child care for her 18 month old son. Tomorrow I'm running W8 R3, I've never ran before but I'm enjoying every minute of it, I run with my husband. His been running for 10 years so he has had to slow down to let me keep up. I'm so exited at the thought of graduating next week & feel as though I've achieved so much.

tvdmadwoman profile image

43 yrs this year, was very sporty in my younger days, used to run 100m for my county! Over the years I exercised and stopped, went to gym, and stopped, etc. Before c25k I couldn't run the length of myself, now I have just finished w5r3 and I did it, with the help of my training partner, my dog:)

Minuette profile image

I'm 49 I reach the big 5 0 in 4 months and have twin girls aged 21 :)

I'm 20, and I'm still at uni, about to go into my final year.

I, like a lot of people on here, have entirely avoided exercise for as long as I can remember. I used to be reasonably strong, but I was never fit, could never run or swim very far. I swam once a week when I was 15, but not for long, and that is really the last bit of exercise I remember doing!

I'm now on W3, and can feel the improvements when I'm running.

I'd love to lose a bit of weight (I've got about 1s3lbs to get to my ideal weight) but for me, I'm more concentrating on feeling fitter, feeling more confidence, hopefully improving my skin (who wants acne when they're at uni?!) and most of all, finally learning to enjoy a sport!

blueboots profile image

I'm 52, started C25K a week before I was 52. Haven't smoked in 8 years but was a 20+ a day by the time I decided to stop. I liked sports at school but haven't really done any since, although I do walk and like cycling. I was always a skinny thing, able to eat what I liked until I changed to a sedentary job and gave up smoking. I was 15Kg overweight at about wk4 and am still the same weight. I have really enjoyed this whole programme and will keep running when I can. I'm a mother of 3 and grandmother to 7.

Oldgirl profile image

Im a bit slow on the uptake these days, nearly missed this post!! Ive done C25K twice, first time last year I started 3 weeks before my 61st birthday. Why? cos I missed my darn bus because I couldnt run for it!! Finished the program December and loved every single run I did. Was running 5K 3 times a week in snow and ice in temperatures of -8C, its quite cold up here in the NE Scotland in December. Then was struck down with sciatica, stopped me running could hardly even walk for 6 weeks, then gradually got the pain under control and my mobility back. Started walking and gentle swims, but there was something missing from my life, yep, jogging. So started C25K again in March and graduated in May for the second time.

Im 62 in September and fitter now than I was in my 30s & 40s. :) I dont miss my bus these days either cos I usually walk everywhere.

christian1 profile image

I'm 61 and never been sporty. Run round the athletics track at school? you must be joking teacher! But now, hey, I'm running (er, well jogging very slowly) further than that 3 times a week. I'm in the middle of week 6 and hope to keep on running after (when and if) I graduate.

welshwoman56 profile image

I am 56 years old and have never been able to run. I walk quite a lot with my husband and little terrier and lately I've been feeling as if I wanted to improve on my fitness. I was looking for an app to download onto my iphone and couldn't decide on one and then i decided to look on google and the rest is history. I am on week five and really starting to enjoy my runs even though they are getting more challenging. I hope to enter a 5k race once I graduate from the programme.

Kags44 profile image

I'm 37 and a vast size ie obese I'm worried if my local council found me jogging proudly on the roads they'd fine me !

I was pretty athletic in my former years but very much like yourself I've been blessed with two wonderful children so I've started c25k to make me happier and healthier for all of us and my lovely daughter wants to have a swim party !

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