Help getting started!: I would really like to do... - Couch to 5K

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Help getting started!

Belle89 profile image
20 Replies

I would really like to do c25k, I've been coming on here and reading how everyone's been getting on for a while and its made me more motivated to start reading all your blogs. The only thing is I'm not sure where to run, and i feel really self concious about doing it aswell (silly I know) I'll be doing it on my own which doesn't help either. Did anyone else feel like this before starting, and does it go away once you get into it? Also while I'm here, where do I go to download the podcast thingy? I can't find it anywhere!

Thanks :-)

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Belle89 profile image
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20 Replies
andystev profile image

Podcasts are here:

As for where to run. Anywhere! pavements, parks, canal towpaths, green lanes, quiet roads. Find a loop nearby and off you go.

Self concious? Yeah, most folk start out that way. I certainly did. I ran first thing in the morning in the dead of winter round a pretty much deserted common. And still felt like everyone was watching me! If you run in built up areas you may well get the odd heckler, ignore them. Most people that see you will be impressed that you're out there doing it, they'd likely never tell you that, but they are.

Run for you, not the hecklers, the wannabes or the jealous still sat on the couches. Keep telling yourself it's doing you good and everyone else should be so lucky.

AliB1 profile image

As andy said you can run anywhere...i love the fact that you can just open your front door and go!

We all have moments of feeling self concious when we start but I've never had any problems and always get encouraging smiles, nods or hellos from other runners, walkers/dog walkers.

Good luck for your first run. Come back and let us know how you get on

Mirella profile image


Most of us feel that way at the beginning. I wanted to run outside and didn't want to fork out for gym membership but the thought of people staring at me was a bit daunting. Then I realised that every day I drive past lots of runners, I register that there is a runner in the same way I do for any pedestrian or cyclist but its for a millisecond until the next thing comes along. Then I thought that this must be the same for every driver. So out I went and found that people were much friendlier than I thought, dog walkers say hello, cyclists smile and wave, runners do all three - even the really fit cute guys :) - just be brave and go for it.

There are lots of running sites online and apps for your phone to work out a route, run my route and map my run are popular ones, just google them.

Good luck and get running!

AliB1 profile image
AliB1Graduate in reply to Mirella

i love it when the really fit cute guys say hi!

icandothis profile image
icandothisGraduate in reply to AliB1

me to!

magicfee23 profile image
magicfee23Graduate in reply to icandothis

And me! Wish they'd ask me for my number rather than say hi, mind you. But then I'd never have the breath to tell them!!

Mirella profile image
MirellaGraduate in reply to magicfee23

Maybe we should get some cards printed ;)

AliB1 profile image
AliB1Graduate in reply to Mirella

or print on the back of t-shirts lol

phoenix5422 profile image

I'm starting next week, and I'm feeling a bit conscious about people staring and maybe saying something because I'm not the fittest or thinnest of people so I feel a bit embarrassed about doing it. Luckily for me there's a canal about 2 mins away and there is a sports centre with a field about 10-15 mins there so I'm thinking of either doing the first lot of walking to the field or take a walk unto the field and then start the podcast as soon as I get there so I'm slightly warmed up.

Mirella profile image
MirellaGraduate in reply to phoenix5422

Use the walk as your 5 minute warm up. None of us were fit when we started, if we were we probably wouldn't be here! I was 2 stone overweight when I started, a curvy size 14, there are all shapes and sizes that have successfully completed the plan.

Let us know how you get on

magster profile image

Many of us have felt self conscious when we first started out but I found that once I was listening to Laura on the podcast I was concentrating so much on what she was saying that I totally forgot all about whether people were watching me or not. Just take the plunge - you will surprise yourself :)

GoogleMe profile image

Yes I felt self conscious - and vulnerable lest some poisonous person thought "Ha, you can do *that* but you claim you can't do X, Y, Z" and cause trouble. (My idea was that C25K would help me to do X, Y, Z. Hasn't worked out... yet) So yes I did choose times and places when other people wouldn't be around - and I still do to a large extent. For me, doing it on my own is infinitely preferable to having someone else there. I carry the thought of you lot in my head these days and that works. I go to lots of different places and even in the same place do a different route. And I've only once (in the snow) gone somewhere I had to run round and round. You'll find what feels good to you. I approached the programme thinking I might be able to do week 1 but that the very idea of me doing the programme was hilarious... and actually I still find myself wanting to laugh every time I start the running movement in a session.

Skandia profile image

Like most people I was very self conscious, still am and dread meeting anyone I actually know. I'm just finishing week 3 and am pretty terrible but just remember your doing more than most people!

I downloaded the podcasts from i Tunes (free)

I run (walk mostly) straight from the front door which is a big bonus as there is less to put you off. Cant make an excuse about not wanting to traipse to the gym. Just shoes on and out the door and its only 30 mins and you can have a nice sit down again.

Hope your motivated, good luck and I look forward to your posts telling us how well your doing!

ifnotnow profile image

I was very self-conscious too but now (Week 3) it's a point of pride for me that I can shut out those feelings of shyness and keep going despite them. Doing the programme is helping my mental strength and well as my physical strength and I am sure it will do the same for you - good luck :-)

Alaiyo profile image

Even after completing the program, I get moments of self-consciousness too. Before I did C25K, I would look at runners (there are quite a few in my neighborhood) and think 1 of 2 things.

1) If they are fit and fast and perfect: "Wow, that is awesome for them." (Because they clearly have everything in life all worked out... - I know better now.)

2) If they are struggling, unfit, imperfect: "Wow, that is awesome for them." (Because I admire their determination to be healthy, and I know it is hard work.)

Once I realized that I always thought good things about all these runners, regardless of size, speed, distance, etc. I concluded that most people probably thought the same about me, if they noticed me at all. It appears to be true - I am not a skinny gal (yet), but every time I smile at someone on my runs, they all smile back. No one, in 11 weeks, has ever been critical.

So my suggestion is to be bold. You deserve to be able to run as much as anyone. In the unlikely event someone is a jerk, that says a lot about their own problems, and nothing about you.

Finally, if it helps to pick a route without reflective surfaces, you may try that, but whatever you look like during your run is sort of like prep-time. Do you look your best with a face mask and rollers in your hair? No. Do you look fabulous afterwards? Absolutely. Think of your run like that: it is making you glow once you finish, and for the remaining 47.5 hours until your next run.

Belle89 profile image

Thanks to everyone who has posted on my question. After reading all the comments I'm really motivated to do it. I could put my trainers on and go now! I'm making do with downloading the podcast ready for tomorrow though instead. I can't wait to get out, not sure if i'll manage it but I won't know if i don't try. You're all at different stages, but from the sounds of it all doing fab :) fingers crossed i'll get to where you are, after all you were all where i am now once. Thanks again for all your comments, I'll let you know how i get on tomorrow, fingers crossed it won't go too badly lol! X

BettyTwinkle profile image

I am sure it will go fabulously well for you!! We all started with a certain amount of anxiety, excitement and trepidation; the sense of achievement when you have finished that 1st session is second to none.

Good luck, I am sure you will enjoy it - let us know how it goes :)

jlow profile image

I have started week 1 today, I am 42, and a two stone over weight wobbly mum, who wants to get fit and lose weight. I really enjoyed it, the sun was shining and I although by the end I was red in the face and sweaty I felt great and am looking forward to getting out again on Wednesday, go for it Belle89. Look forward to hearing how you got on.. :-)

nicolaclaire profile image

I know how you feel, it's hard to plan a route when you don't know how far you will be running, we went to the local park nr my work and kept running around in circles! Don't worry about other people it's great that you're getting out there! Good luck x

shellieboots profile image

We all feel a bit silly and self concious at the start. so you aren't on your own there! Maybe you could see if there are any other couch to 5kers in your area who run at the same time as you who would be willing to support you in your first couple of runs? If not drag a friend along!

Good luck and go for it!! You won't regret it x

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