I'm doing the w5r3 this Friday and I'd like to know how far people ran? Either for the 20 minutes or how far covered for the whole session. I read on another blog that you need to slow right down for this one, but I'm not sure what "slow" means as I've nothing to compare it with. I know we all go our own pace, but how slow is slow?!
The dreaded 20 minutes - How far did you run o... - Couch to 5K
The dreaded 20 minutes - How far did you run on w5r3?

As long as you're not walking thats fine. Any pace that allows you to run for the full 20 minutes is fast enough. Good luck you will be fine, maybe not during the run but the sense of achievement at the end is amazing

I think i covered around 4.4 k, that's including the 5 minute walk at the end and the 5 minute walk at the end. Don't know if you have iphone/android phone but I use an app called runkeeper, start it as I leave and it logs distance, time, average pace etc and you can then look inline and it shows your route etc... Good luck, I'm not that quick, just keep plodding along!!

Hi Nevertoolate - am doing my dreaded W5R3 on Wednesday eeeek! Good luck!!

You will be fine - I was surprised when Laura said I was halfway because I thought oh i've only got 4 minutes left and I can run 5 already! Will let you know how I get on! We can so do this!

Yes we can!!