I've completed W9 R1 today and still buzzing BUT I went out earlier in the car so clocked the route I'd ran and it was only 2.3 miles... which according to google isnt even 4k let alone 5! How far do other people manage in the 30 minutes??? I must be running reeeally slowley!!!
How far do you actually run in 30 minutes??? - Couch to 5K
How far do you actually run in 30 minutes???

So...you're running slowly.....Thank goodness..that's what you're supposed to be doing! I did the podcasts really slowly and didn't even measure the distance until long after I had graduated. (and I can't remember what it was to be honest, but it was no way near 5k!) The main thing is ....
you ran for 30 MINUTES!!! You ran for 2.3 MILES!!! This is amzing and something that most people can't even IMAGINE doing; and you have done it! You are doing it!
So many people get hung up on the distance, but, do you know what, it really REALLY doesn't matter. What matters is that you are out there running, breathing and doing the best that you can; feeling proud and achieving.
So keep going, only two more runs to the end of the podcasts, but the start to something new.
Theresa x
I wish there was a big fat 'like' button on this forum LIKE!!
I wish I'd read all these comments sooner. I got really disheartened about not being able to do 5K in 30 mins so I pushed myself really hard, finally did it in 31 mins, got really fed about how hot, sweaty & completely worn out that made me feel & as a result didn't run for about 5 weeks. I started again this week doing 20 mins & it was hard but achievable, Will now bulid back up to 30 mins (hope it won't take too long & hope I don't have to give back my graduate badge!) & I'm not going to think about distance again til my confidence & enjoyment are back. Hooray for tortoises everywhere!!!

You and me both!!!
I have just stepped off of the treadmill W9R2 (after doing R1 twice outside - disaster). I only managed 3.5k. Think it will take me about 45-50 mins to do 5k. How on earth do people manage to do it in 30mins??
Don't worry, you will eventually get there! It's just a matter of being persistant, going out for your regular runs each week. I graduated last October and eventually beat the 30 min 5k (in 29:29) at a local Parkrun in April! Once I'd graduated and got used to running 5k, albeit in about 40mins, I tried running intervals - running a bit faster between one lamp post to the next and then a slow jog up to the next one and repeating that a few times in my runs. But only do that once or twice a week, not for every run.

Thanks Theresa, think that was just what I needed to hear! x

Don't worry it takes a while to reach that magic 5K in 30 minutes, I've not got there either -- yet.

I graduated 2 months agorun 3x a week for 30 mins mapmyrun tells me im runnin 4.6k. Suits me..it's the running for 30mins without stopping that is currently up there with some of my proudest moments!!!! Well done..you are almost a graduate THAT is a huge achievement!!!

4.1 k in 29 minutes still have some distance to find before I graduate (5 runs to go) but like everyone says it's the will power to get to 30 minutes that is the most important.
You're so close to graduating and always remember you're running faster than everyone sat on the couch!

I think that distance is good. I did w8r3 today (28 mins) and only did 1.8 miles so when I do week 9 and 2 more minutes I probably still will not hit 2 miles.
I hope to do a Parkrun by the end of September, so hope I can speed up a bit by then.
Maybe they need to rename it C230M (couch to 30 minutes) lol

I ran 5k on my graduation run but only because I was stubborn and kept running after the 30 minutes was up ! I haven't got any faster since but only started "speed" training this week. The only comparison that really matters is what you can achieve now compared with what you could achieve x number of days/weeks/months ago. Therefore, you are doing Fantastically Well !!

The advantage of being one of us tortoises is you get 3 graduations 30 mins (the real graduation!), then 5k, then 5k in 30 mins. In my case 2 out of 3 ain't bad!

I agree with Pingle, whilst it's brilliant for those who have achieved the magical 5k in 30, us snails will graduate 3 times. This is what has kept me motivated since graduation. I was worried I might give up but the elusive 5k keeps me at it and dare I say, I am enjoying it. Starting intervals as soon as my local running track is back in use to pick up a bit of speed. I only cover 4k in 31.45 mn at the moment so I have a long way to go!

Am I the only one measuring my warm up and cool down walks with the running? That gets me over the 5k, but I do run oh so slow...

Put it this way, 9 weeks ago I could barely run for a bus, this morning I ran for 30 minutes non-stop. That'll do me for now! Next goal, 5k. Then we'll take it from there. I hope you're simply enjoying yourself, that's the essential part of it for me, feeling good and being fitter.

Oh I am so glad I'm not alone. I am really slow too and think in 28 minutes I do about 1.9miles. Am doing Race for life tomorrow and so worried they'll have cleared everything away before I finish!! Oh well never thought I'd ever be running for 28 minutes in a million years and hopefully my speed will improve in time x

He he!
I trawl all of these type of posts just hoping to find someone as slow as me
Today I ran 5K for the first time (wahey) and it took me 55 minutes.
1. I ran 5k
2. I ran for 55 minutes
Now where do we get these "steenking badgees"

I've been recording my times on my Smartphone - I'm on Week 4 R2 and ran/walked 2.8 miles in the 30 mins.. My best 1 K so far being just over 6 minutes.. I have no idea if that's any better than bad!

At w9r3 I was doing about 4k. I'm probably about 4 runs on from that and it is creeping up. I have done 4.8k but that was over 35 mins. You will be surprised at how you will progress

So glad to see all of these times . I've just completed week 8 and though I've not definitively measured it I know I am not running anywhere near 5k, maybe between 3 & 4 if I count the warm up walk. We shall get there angelmummy!!
I track my runs on Google Maps when I get back. It's not the most accurate, I don't feel, but since the off, (i'm now in week 6), I've been covering 3.7km give or take every run (including the warm up walks).
Measured my first ten minute run from W6R2, and that was about 1.4km, so, if I kept up that pace, I'd be taking about 35 minutes to cover the 5k. I have definitely found that the more running there is in the podcast, the less distance I cover, but it's getting a bit better now!
On my first attempt at week 4 (I think) I covered only 2.8km, which is quite a lot less!
I can run 5k or 3.1 miles in about 25 mins on 10.5 looking to increase that today wanna bring it down to 20 mins is that realistic ?
Yeah! Man that is really awseome everyday I run 5K in 29.26min I wish I could break that record

Well, I ran 2.3 miles in 35 minutes yesterday, so I'm not doing 5k in 30 minutes. However, when I began week 1, I was beet red and huffing and puffing after my first minute running. So as we progress through our training, wherever we may be, we should compare ourselves to where we were previously and we should not forget our age, in case we are older because that also affects speed. (I am 70....)