Totally lost mojo.....: Since graduating a good... - Couch to 5K

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Totally lost mojo.....

ShoutingWoman profile image
9 Replies

Since graduating a good few weeks ago, I think I've only run twice and now just don't seem to be able to motivate myself. Last night when driving home from work I kept convincing myself I was going to go out and then I didn't. I seem to have gone from being a keen 3 x week girl (running, of course !) to a totally unmotivated slump on the sofa slob. Think I won't be able to run far at all and the thought of that de-motivates me further. I know running is good for me (for my mental as much as physical health) yet I just feel it's a huge ask. Help, fellow runners, help....

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ShoutingWoman profile image
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9 Replies
Grammadog1947 profile image

Can you run in the morning? I never did well when I ran later in the day...too tired/busy/cold/hot/fill in the blank...

Enter an event if you can find one near you....I am very goal-oriented...give me a deadline and I'll get it done, otherwise I'll putter around like a duck on a pond.

Re-visit why you did C25K in the first place...have you satisfied that "need" that motivated you then?

Remind yourself that completing C25K was about changing your lifestyle...for life. Untold benefits come from being fit-and being fit in itself is a worthy place to be. You worked very hard to complete the have what it CAN do this.

SaCl profile image

Why don't you go out for a shorter run? I found in the heat it helped to say to myself that I would lower my expectations, run for a shorter period. Or even, you could run three blocks of ten minutes each - you don't have to run for 30 minutes every time if it doesn't suit you. I find it harder now that the runs are longer to find the near-hour-long slot required to get ready, warm up, go out, warm, down, shower. Mornings no longer work for me, because of this, but I find if I go out the second I get back from work (without faffing around online, sorting things around the house etc) I am more likely to do it. If I leave it any length of time it becomes impossible. And remember, even if you go out for a bit and even if you can't keep going that's still better than not going out at all!

Frazzles profile image

Maybe it's the lack of a training plan that you're finding difficult - if you're committed to a nine week plan then it's not so complicated to stick to that, but if you're just going out running with no real goal in mind then it's easier to come up with excuses and keep putting it off.

I reckon you need to pick a goal (maybe running for 45 minutes/an hour, or running a certain distance, or working on speed so that you can run 5k in a certain time) and then plan how you're going to work up to that. It might be easier to get yourself out the door for a run if you can think "my training plan says I need to go for a run today" rather than just "I think I should probably go for a run today".

There are loads of training plans on the internet you can pick from (e.g. you could use this and work towards 10k), or you could make up your own.

If you don't think having a training plan would help, maybe you need the 'friend factor' to keep you going? If you make a commitment to someone else that you will go for a run, it feels harder to let them down than to let yourself down (so you're more likely to stick to it.) Try finding a running buddy, or joining a running club.

Whatever you end up doing, good luck! :)

maddykins profile image

the c25k plus will be with us soon lets all do that together, in the mean time like someone before said a little running is better than no running at all. since i graduated i have missed a few runs but i go when i can and i dont always do 5 k sometimes only 20 mins running its just keeping the fitness levels up. try some fartlek running too intervals of speed and slow jogs keeps it a bit interesting and help lots with the fitness.

Oldgirl profile image

I lost my mojo last week but found it down the back of the couch just where Greg said to look :)

Come one ShoutingWoman you can't let all that hard work go to waste and the longer you leave it the harder it will be to get back into the swing of things.

After graduation I did a 5Km run and a ParkRun. Then I lost my mojo so I made a planto do some interval training, I mapped out using an area in the forest tracks near where I live so no one would see me making an idiot of myself. It has short sharp steep ups and downs, 3 lots in a loop of about 3/4Km I charged around this loop 4 times after having a 15 minute warm up jog to the area. It was smashing fun, hard work I don't deny that but I loved it. Its given me the urge to get out there, in fact I can hardly wait for tomorrow to come so I can do it again. I used week 2 of C25K to keep in touch with times but soon realised that the time was not important, what was important was building up my stamina to tackle the ups and downs. At this point in time I'm not that interested in moving on to longer distances, I may change my mind come time but I would like to be able to knock some time off my 5Km timing so thats the plan.

So set yourself a plan and target, get some favourite music on your MP3/Ipod and GET OUT THERE NOW! So your not the only woman who can shout :P

gypsydepp profile image

Absolutely know where you're coming from....can feel my mojo gradually slipping away too.

How about when the new podcasts come out? Lets do what maddy says and start them all together Then we can comment on how the weeks are going, like when doing the original program. :)

maysie profile image

Ah It's not just me then?? That's kind of a relief! I can totally relate to this and have hit a brick wall with the running about 4 weeks after graduation. Anyone have any idea when these new podcasts are due out??

ShoutingWoman profile image

Yes, this sounds like a plan. When will the new podcasts be out ? I think when there will be a few of us all at the same level, it's easier. Feels a bit like a "virtual" running club, then. As you will see from my other post, I did manage to get out and ran 5k earlier this evening.

scamp profile image

I m in the same situation. Have nt run in 2 weeks due to some shocking and sad news. Really need to keep going. i need to be running now more than ever

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