Lost Running Mojo.... help: I keep coming back... - Couch to 5K

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Lost Running Mojo.... help

sidbetty profile image
11 Replies

I keep coming back and then disappearing again so hello everyone, some of you may remember me briefly :)

I did really well last October, November time with C25K and then quit running as my area is not the safest to be running in the dark on your own.

I started again in March/April time this year and dropped it all again.

It's too hot, too muggy, I'm tired, I'm hungry, I'm busy, my legs ache, I need to cook dinner, I'll go tomorrow, I'll go next week, I only washed my hair this morning I can't be bothered to get sweaty and have to wash it again... did I miss any excuses?!

The slightest thing is enough for me to not bother going running... However, I'm going to attempt to start again tonight after fat club. Yes, I need to start from the beginning, no matter how frustrating I find it... I want to be able to run 10km next week and I know it's not possible so I give up before starting.

I get married in January and really want to feel like I've improved my health, fitness, weight and muscle tone for it so I can feel good about myself on the day so it's time I stopped making excuses and 'starting next week' and got my bum out there to run. I felt so good in October when I was CHOOSING to run extra time, for up to 50 minutes. I've never been a runner, I've never been able to run, so it was such an achievement for me personally to be able to do that. Yet last week we did a colour run and I really struggled, I couldn't run even a km without stopping. I hated every single second of it. My teenage self came out of hiding and threw a proper strop about it!

There is only one way to get over it, and it's to GET OUT THERE AND GET RUNNING!

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sidbetty profile image
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11 Replies
dagshar profile image

You've got it there. ..Go Girl! You know from experience you can do it, so keep thinking about the wedding and push the excuses aside. All the best!

useitorloseit profile image

No more to say - you know what to do!!!

Sandraj39 profile image

Well that sounds like fighting talk to me sidbetty and you have obviously done this before so I just want to wish you tons of luck!

Coddfish profile image

I know it's hard to make time for exercise, and life always has a nasty way of getting in the way. I have always found it easier to do exercise first thing, as you get it done before the other things come along. It does mean setting the alarm and getting out of bed when you don't want to, but it means you are out at the coolest time of the day, and at a time when it's probably safer than in the evenings. Unfortunately, you understand there aren't short cuts, but you also understand that gains come along fairly quickly once you get the routine in place. Make a commitment to that first run, that first week, and to telling this community how it is going. All the best.

Arrietty profile image

Yep the excuses are legin aren't they?!

Best of luck getting out there! You can do it!

mfamilias profile image

Get up. Have breakfast. Put on running gear. Go. Simples. Forget all the rest - just give yourself 45 minutes every morning. Sounds to me like you've got this sussed - now you 'just' have to make the first step. Keep us posted!

HJBates profile image

Good for you! You know you can do it - just keep thinking of how great you'll feel after each run knowing that you are working towards your goal.

I've been making excuses for a while now and only done 4 runs in the last 6 weeks with no runs for the last 2 and half. Funnily enough, that last run was a Colour Run too and I felt dreadful! This evening driving home from work I knew my husband had made tea for the kids as I was late, so when I got home I just went straight upstairs and got my running gear on. I did one of the slowest runs of all time but I kept going for 40 minutes and felt so pleased afterwards. I now know I just need to make myself get out there and stop making excuses - just like you!

I look forward to hearing how your first run goes.


AvatheGardener profile image

wow. You've already conquered all those excuses before! You can do it! I am inspired by you. I can still think all those things and more besides. I am 'lucky' in that I have to walk my dog, so the mornings I am mean to run (and so far only! I have only just done week 3 run 2 so not really qualified to chat yet!) I put on the gear, take the earphones and then I find when I get there I will just play the podcast and get in with it. Today I was still hurting from W3R1 but decided I'd give it a go and see if I could do it despite absolutely NOT wanting to do it. I managed to complete, and that felt like a great achievement, and as Laura says, that beat the difficulty of the run.

how about starting way back at the beginning- that may seem to you like the easiest thing ever- which will make it easy to get out there and start!- and some say that's the difficult bit...

good luck! :)

Toonlou24 profile image

Hello!! Welcome back!!! Come on! You know you can do this. Just think how fantastic you will feel in that dress in January!!! Just get those trainers on and get going. Be kind to yourself. Reward your efforts. £2 in a jar for each run works great for me!!! You will soon see those massive improvements again. Let us know how you get on. Now go!!!!! Endorphins are waiting!!!!!! Xx

sidbetty profile image

Thank you everyone... I didn't make it out, I had a bit of a meltdown when I got home. I went to fat club straight after work and had gained everything I had lost... I need to stop beating myself up and getting frustrated and just get on with it.

I tried setting my alarm for earlier this morning to go out but then kept waking up every hour so eventually switched it off!

I actually did one of those stress/depression test things last night and it came out very high so I mentioned it to my boyfriend and he told me to pull myself out of it, I have nothing to be depressed about, we are getting married and buying a house etc. That just made me angry as that's not what depression is!

Anyway, it made me realise I do need to get back on track, I'm in that cycle of self-sabotage and I've been there before and hated it. So... onwards and upwards!

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to sidbetty

I'm sorry you're having a tough time getting back to running. But don't be so hard on yourself. Be kind and ease yourself into it. You've done it all once before so you know you can do it again. Just put your running shoes on and go out for a walk. I bet you won't resist the urge to run a little!

You're right about the depression having nothing to do with what your life looks like. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain and therefore needs proper attention like anything else wrong with your body. It might be a good idea to go to your doctor and have a chat about what you're feeling.

Post here and let us know how you're getting on. All the best.

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