Just wondered if everyone takes a water bottle with them. I do but i think i would prefer hands free. Would be interested to know
Do you carry a water bottle?: Just wondered if... - Couch to 5K
Do you carry a water bottle?

Not for short distance I don't, unless it's hot!
In the recent warm weather I've taken a small running bottle - if I took a normal bottle I would be juggling it all the way along the route!

I've just started to take one out in this warm weather. I've discovered I can hold it in my right hand and it doesn't bother me at all - wouldn't even know it was there. Swap it to my left hand and I feel all unbalanced and wrong.

I make sure I've had a drink before I go, and if the weather is cool, and the run is short (3-4 miles) I don't bother. However, if it's warm I will take a small one. I took one out this morning for a four miler and ended up bringing most of it back with me; although I did think about tipping it over my head because I was so hot when I got back!!

I only take one if I am running for more than an hour or so or if it is scorching and I am doing 10K or more.
I hated carrying one for the reasons Julie and Kat mention except it affected both hand equally so bought myself a belt (Camelbak) to put it in so I look like the "Isotonic Gun Slinger"

Hot weather I carry one now, small split one that can be threaded through my small bum bag. I have yet to master the art of jogging and drinking at the same time though!!!

i've always carried a small one so it's a bit like a crutch and I worry if i forget it. most times bring it back nearly full but the last few weeks i've wished it was twice the size!

I started to carry one from week 7 onwards but its was freezing when I started! I this heat its a good idea too make sure you have enough water. I don't carry a bottle but have a batman stylee utility belt (Karrimor) that holds 2x250ml bottle, but I usually only take one bottle. Its just about enough water but not so heavy that I notice it.

I always have water with me and have done from the start. But...I always make sure I have a bottle of water with me if I drive any distance too. I struggled to make my water last the 6.3 mile (1hr 25 mins) run yesterday. I just think we're all different - there isn't a wrong or right answer.

I had the same problem as Katsmeat so started putting it in my little back pack but then it was too awkward stopping, removing back pack, drinking, putting back in back pack etc etc.. I ought to have shares in Sports Direct the amount of running stuff I have bought from them, but i purchased a waist belt with 2 small bottles and a zip compartment for my MP3 - Brilliant

I bought a very cheap running bottle that has a hole in the middle and grips on one side, from Sportsdirect. During the hot spell I would fill it up to about 1/3 full and freeze it. Then the next day, just before a longer run, I would top it up (I use half and half water and apple juice following advice in Running Made Easy) so it was nice and cool for most of my run.
My hand and wrist are small enough to actually go through the hole so I dont actually even have to grip it as I cant seem to coordinate gripping anything and running