Week 2 Run 1 done! :D..with a thought on arms ;) - Couch to 5K

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Week 2 Run 1 done! :D..with a thought on arms ;)

ezmee profile image
4 Replies

Ooh Im in Week 2!! :D I do have a bad tendency to start off almost at a sprint :O

Of course then I struggle nearer the end. But these forums have been really helping because I heard myself say slow down, jog, dont injure yourself this early on, knees remember? SLOW DOWN lol ...it was a couple of jogs after this, I thought ooh arms..and I found using my arms reduced the strain on my legs - anyone else found this? Obviously my arms just dont hang there the other times :O ....I mean pumping away properly :P

I found the last 90 seconds knackering and was almost bent double at the end haha...who the hell said this week was easier?

Very chuffed with myself for having gone out and done it and it has SUCH a good positive effect - I caught myself laughing out loud quite a few times - mind you, this could have been me laughing at my own idiocy ;)

So a few days rest now and run 2 on Thursday - thanks everyone for getting me to week 2!!!

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ezmee profile image
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4 Replies
Nevertoolate profile image

Great stuff ezmee - I've done it too! I feel like you look - happy!

I loved the bit when Laura says you might be quite tired by now and I found myself muttering "knackered". After the euphoria of finishing week one I found the extra 30 seconds telling, but the recovery 2 minutes really helps. Every 90 second run I shifted the focus and I find it helps to forget the other problems.

First run (oh heck, let's call it that for short) I thought my legs were the problem, they were more than a bit leaden. I was also shocked to find that I'd been concentrating on running on the wrong part of my foot! Heel it is then. Second run and I concentrated on my breathing which is the biggest hurdle for me. No way can I breathe in and out for a count of 4.

Third run and I tried to get my arms to swing and "help" in some way.

Anyway, well done. Next run Wednesday after work - it'll be interesting to see how I do in an evening.

ezmee profile image
ezmee in reply to Nevertoolate

THanks! I had to giggle cos I felt exactly the same as you when Laura said "you might be feeling a bit tired now" A bit tired?!!? :O

I do agree the 2 min recovery helps but I definitely wasnt walking as briskly as I was last week - I think an arthritic 3 -legged dog may have walked faster haha - well done you though! Im going back to evening running once the nights cool down again

Mumtum profile image

Well done ezmee! I do the same thing and start off too fast, getting all full of myself and then end up shuffling along for the last run! I've just finished week 2, and although psychologically it was easier because there are less running sections than week 1, my legs weren't as willing by the end of the week. Still we're doing it so that's the main thing! Good luck for R2 x

Mirella profile image

Well done all of you, finishing week one is such a buzz.

Remember not to clench your fists just let your hands relax otherwise you tense your arms and shoulders which will lead to aches and pains.

Keep it up

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