I have quite bad hip joints (which I am hoping will get better after more running) and I tend to have really sore hips the day after running. Can anyone suggest a good stretch? I find it makes them a little less sore!
Stretching hip muscles: I have quite bad hip... - Couch to 5K
Stretching hip muscles

I know how you feel! My hip muscles feel really tight either straight after I've ran or the next day.
When i went to a zumba class earlier this week, one of the cool down moves was to stand with your feet slightly apart, then take a step back with one foot and go to sit back on that back leg. I can feel the stretch in my hips and it means they don't feel as tight as they did before.
I hope this helps - I'm not the greatest at explaining myself!
I used to do some yoga and I found that the wide-angled leg stretches (sitting up with your legs spread as wide as they'll go and reaching to your toes in a variety of ways) works the inside of the thigh and the hip joint. I have a clicky hip (chiropractor has not been able to work this out!) and the yoga always helps it.
One I found on a Pilates DVD which works for me - lie flat on your back with legs bent and feet on the floor. Rest one foot on the opposite knee, hold the thigh of the leg that is still on the floor and gently pull that knee in towards your chest and hold/stretch. Then swap.
Reading that back it sounds like either a torture mechanism or someone playing Twister! As I say though it works for me and I get very achey hips normally which have eased a lot since doing this stretch.

An alternative way of doing the one that JenR describes (again, from a Pilates class) is to sit on an upright chair, feet on the floor, then rest one ankle on the other knee and lean forward as far as you can bear. I find this version easier as gravity helps me out, and - maybe because of my belly being in the way - I can never seem to get my hands round my thigh to pull it back in the lying-down version!

Ideally, you should stretch your legs/hips in 4 directions (front, back, inside, outside). As it happens, the stretches suggested above do most of those. 10Kwannabe's should stretch the back of your leg. Pip-pop's get the inside stretches. Jen and Juicy suggested a good outside stretch. You additionally should add a front of leg stretch (stand straight, grab right foot with right hand, and pull foot towards bum, keeping knees close together. Switch sides.) Also some gentle twists and pelvic tilts are good to ensure that things are balanced and stretched in your core. Finally, if you are really motivated, you IT bands (illiotibial bands) may be tight. They are connective tissue that run down the outside of the legs, and if they are tight, they can pull things out of alignment causing pain. Kneading them vigorously (it hurts pretty intensely, but the pain stops when you are done) may help loosen them, releasing your hips.
Thanks all for the great information, i'll stretch every part of my hips tonight and hope for an improvement!

Ths is my answer to another jogger asking the same question the other day, hope it helps.
I have always done 4 leg stretches on getting back home after a run, even in the early days. I hope I can explain what I do:
On each stretch I count up to 30 (each leg)
1. Right leg forward with knee bent both feet flat on the ground, feel the stretch up the calf and back of the thigh, ham string in the back (left) leg. Hold for count of 30, then swap over.
2. Right leg forward and flex foot to feel the stretch up the front of the leg, shin bone area and calf muscle hold for count of 30, then swap over.
3. Bend at the knee and place the foot of right leg onto the left thigh (just above the left knee) at right angle, now squat down as low as you can, feel the stretch in the hip joint, repeat other leg.
4. Knees together and soft, bend right leg up behind to butt and hold, feel the stretch in the front of thigh. This is a lovely stretch to finish repeat on left leg.
I hope these help and you are able to understand my instructions OK.
One of these days I will try and take photographs and post them which may help.