Now that was a sh*t run. Or should I say it was a good walk? Whatever it was, I'm sad it wasn't a "proper" run.
I decided to follow Laura's advice and change up the route. The route I am normally going would be a big loop of around 6k would I follow it back home. Today I went the other way around. I had no intention of going all the way around but turn around at half-time.
Things went downhill from the start. First, I wasn't ready to run when the 5-minute walk was up. It seemed to pass so quickly. Much more quickly than usual - but that might be because I by now know exactly at which "landmark" I have to start running. Okay, me off into jogging mode then.
Merrily running along a new route, through the village and through a wood. Until a few seconds after Laura's half-time announcement. At this point (and about 2,3 km according to google maps) a "I don't want anymore" was firmly planted in my head. And the hill infront of me wasn't helping either. I had my mind set to running to the foot of the hill, walk and then pick up again from the top. Haha. In the end I walked not only up the hill, but for half a kilometer. Then I ran again and it was so hard to pick it up. I managed to run for 600 meters, then walked. Also thanks to a stitch. (I never had stitch problems before!)
And then I continued walking. And some more. "I will run back when I'm at the point I usually turn around". (I didn't). Somewhere in the woods (back on my usual route) I tried to run, because I really didn't want to half walked all the way back. Several kilometers! I tried and failed. Was still feeling the stitch. Back home I was cold and annoyed with myself. Even thinking of redoing the 20-minute run of week 5 a few times.
I don't know what caused this - and my very first - really bad run. Was it the fact that I knew I would have to go 6k (walking or running) anyway to get back home? Or was it the fact that my knee hurt all evening before and I unconciously took that as an excuse? Even if it was fine during running? Was it the stitch? What the hell was wrong!?
Next time I'll be sure to turn around at the half-time point and thus not only avoid the hill but also be sure to make it home within the podcast time.
All in all I covered maybe 3k running (nearly 7 in total) and out of the 25 running minutes, maybe did 13 consecutive and then 2 on and off. Blergh. I think I erase that run off my memory.