so ive now completed two post graduate:)) runs for 30mins and boy am i shattered and im not doing 5k yet! Have never really worried to much about speed or distance but am now trying to make abit of an effort to get to 5k. Am up to 4.69 but that includes both walks. Ive always switched on endomondo right at the start & stopped after my cool down, does anyone else do this or do you all just time your running part only? Any tips for gainning speed welcome. I now have my own play list which is nice, sos Laura your music sucks but i do miss your words of encouragement I also have a shock absorber max sports bra which works brilliantly for any large busted ladies out there i highly recommend it! It has given me the convidence to actually run without a jacket on, although i had to put aside my bright pink tops for now and purchased a black one. It so much cooler lol bet im the only one that never took the her jacket off till after graduation
Aww look at me with my "graduate" status has a... - Couch to 5K
Aww look at me with my "graduate" status has appeared:))

i started off measuring the whole distance but quickly moved to just doing the 'running' bit.
I never took my jacket /sweat top off until this Tuesday just gone and I'm nearly 2 months post graduation!
Your speed / distance will come over time. From reading other blogs it seems quite a few people are following a similar plan 1) longer run (up your time by 10% each week) 2) shorter run so say 30 mins and 3) doing intervals using w1 podcasts - run faster in the 'run' bits and jog / walk in the walk bits. (note to self need to get back to doing intervals)
Keep going you will get there!

Well done with your new graduate status, it takes hard work to get through the programme, enjoy the achievement and the running
thanks guys for the support and info, AbiB1 such a relieve to know someone else kept thier jacket/sweat top on, thought i wasbeing a bit silly really all this time!

Oh my top stays firmly on too!! Although I must look really strange as I have to safety pin it closed at the top as it is too tight at the hips if I have my phone etc in my pocket! I bet I look like a bag lady!

Glad there are others like me!! I hav still 4 stones to loose and I look a sight running with phone etc. good thing is we are still going. Woo hoo everyone