I got up at 5.45am to go running this morning so I could run before work, knowing I had to work late tonight. I hate the way work gets in the way of C25k at times! I laid all my running gear out on the bedroom floor so I would have to trip over it so couldn't avoid it, waved goodbye to my sleepy OH and off I went to the local park. What a lovely morning: fresh green leaves on the trees and the lightest of drizzle to cool me down, which was just as well as old Sleepy Head had forgotten to drink her usual glass of water and eat half a banana before setting out..... duh!
I'm really not much of a runner in terms of style or substance, my breathing is nothing like Laura suggests, more like a steam train and if I'm meant to run in time to the music that er just doesn't happen.... I'm not very fast (3.65km in 28 minutes today) but I am getting fitter and dammit I feel pleased to be out there asweatin' and apuffin' and aglowin' and agrinnin'... Whenever I feel I can't quite face the next 20 minutes I just make myself smile and shake down my arms and it really seems to help me to the halfway mark....and then a little bit more... and then to that next tree...that next corner....
What started on a treadmill in March is now Loud (that's the breathing) and Proud (that's the grinning).
And if I can do this - anyone can!