Due to work and travel I wasnt able to get to W2R2 until Friday and was so happy to get back to it and even happier that I completed it.
As I was out and about in London Saturday night going to the Sci-Fi movie all nighter, I didnt get back home until late Sunday. With the weather being horrible I waited until today to get onto W2R3.
Its still tough going but happy that I could see the difference in my first run of the week compared to the third. Suprised when the timer was announced to stop running a few times and felt like I could have kept going for a bit longer.
I started to exercise in the first week of April, and this program in late April. Since then I have lost at least one and a half stone over this time. I think its more as I didnt have a good set of scales until halfway through April.
Had to go to the doctors for a rash on my leg and found out that I am at least 1 stone lighter at this point than July last year. This all got me a good job from the doctor and "keep going". This was nice to hear as previously all they have ever said is "You need to lose weight"
If in March you would have told me I would be doing this in May I would not have believed you.
Thanks to all of you here for the encouragement so far and I will be able to run 5k this year, I am determined.