I didn't think I would be able to complete run two but I did. Stupidly listened to start of run three...mistake! How am I supposed to run for twenty mins??? I suffer from lead legs big time. Just don't think I will be able to do it. dreading Saturdays run! X
Week 5 run 2...done! Run 3...I'm scared! - Couch to 5K
Week 5 run 2...done! Run 3...I'm scared!

I completed run 3 of week 5 yesterday and I was exactly the same, dreading it! Needless to say it was okay and I completed the full 20 minute run. It wasn't easy but it didn't start getting that hard until after about 10 minutes. I had to remind myself that I didn't need to go too fast and it was more important to make sure I ran the whole thing. So, what I'm trying to say is: It seems like a much bigger jump than it actually is and if I can do it then I'm sure you can

I'm with you on Saturday with the same run!! Ill think of you xx just remember keep going xxxx give yourself a reward afterwards too!!!!
Yes, it's a big step, but it's definitely achievable and the following week you go back to shorter runs. There's masses of us who've made it past this run and many say it was one of their best so far. Go for it!

I have to admit I thought I wouldn't be able to do the 20 min run. Weirdly enough I couldn't believe it when I got halfway. I had to get the phone out to make sure I hadnt somehow forwarded the programme. Having realised I had actually got halfway I sped up. Then I got the 1 min warning and sped up. Then I got told to start my cool down and ran through that as well and had to be out an extra 5 mins for the cool down. I ran for 25 mins and still could have gone longer.
In contrast, my next run after that was hard despite being easier! I'm sticking to the programme and keeping to rest days but it's so tempting to want to push on further and faster. I know that's risking injury though so I'm trying to keep a check on my enthusiasm.
All this from someone who struggled to shuffle/waddle for 1 min on the first week of C25K.

I did 20 minutes a couple of evenings ago for my week 5 run 3 - and I did it without Laura - apologies to her. I found my old mp3 player and took Adam Ant, Bay City Rollers, couple of tracks from Phantom of the Opera etc with me (I made sure the track was long enough), and I sang my head off (not literally as I couldn't breathe - just sang in my head). And I was back in no time! Really cheered me up! I don't run fast, and I don't think I will ever be a "pony tail swinger" but I am proud of myself!

I really enjoyed W5R3 - such a high when I finished, I danced in the shower afterwards ! If you've followed the program, you will be ready for it. Pace yourself and make sure you enjoy it
Thanks folks for the advice! Just hoping my legs behave and don't give up! X