Hi all, I've been reading a bit about gait analysis on the community blog. I wonder if it might help my knees and shins? I just don't want to be talked into buying expensive trainers!
What exactly is 'gait analysis'?: Hi all, I've... - Couch to 5K
What exactly is 'gait analysis'?

You should. They may be expensive, but if you go to a specialist and get good advice, they're worth it. No question.
I recently did this and bought a new pair of trainers - more expensive than I'd normally have gone for, but absolutely worth the money. I've not had any problems with them - so comfortable, and the niggling knee pain that I felt when I ran (not severe, but enough to know it was there), hasn't been an issue since I started wearing these trainers.
Also very interesting to watch the video back of how you run - I don't look as daft as I feel!

I went for a gait analysis after 2 weeks on C25K, I wasn't having problems through running at all, no knee/shin pain etc but had 'creaking' knees for quite a few months even before I started running, going up and down stairs etc. My previous trainers were very comfy and since I wasn't having running problems I didn't think it was worth getting new trainers.
But my husband persuaded me to go for a gait analysis which I did, I got new trainers and in the past 3 weeks my 'creaking' knee problem in everyday life has completely gone! The trainers I got weren't cheap, but well worth it as I no longer creak lol!

Gait analysis - you will put on your usual running shoes and get on a treadmill which has a camera pointed to your rear view. From this the "technician" who is performing the analysis will film your back end as you walk or run on the treadmill. He or she will be able to tell on playing back at different speeds just how you move as you run then prescribe the correct trainers. What you can do, is to take on board their advice, write down the name of the shoe model, then find it online on Amazon or Ebay or somewhere, usually a bit cheaper?
I know you don't want to spend money on expensive shoes, but believe me, you don't want your running plan to go pearshaped through injury wearing the wrong shoes either!! The wrong shoes are responsible for a lot of people giving up on running because of injury/continual wear and tear in the wrong places.