CaroleC has kindly let me share her B210K podcasts on dropbox, in an effort to save her posing them out. Feel free...
B210K Podcasts: CaroleC has kindly let me share... - Couch to 5K
B210K Podcasts

Link doesn't work for me

I was a bit too quick, dropbox is still updating. Give it a little while and try again.

Working now.

Thank you Andystev and CaroleC,
It took me 3 attempts to download this, the first 2 times I got a message saying the files were corrupted,but attempt 3 was successful and the download took about oe and a half hours, so if any one else is finding it difficult to download it is worth persevering!

Yes, they are very large files - the main reason I was originally posting them out on disc as my msn email could not cope with them!
Hi Carole - Sara here again - how's the calf muscle?? Anyway, just wanted to ask... have just found this old post and the B210K by Samantha Murphy. Is this a good step up from C25K in your opinion?? It;s downloading now as I type and am really thrilled if it gives the same sort of discipline that Laura's podcasts gave. Thanks for putting it up here, Sara
Hi Sara,
Seems the calf muscle was more than just a calf muscle; shinsplints! So, I'm prescribing myself two weeks off of running, which, just five days in, is already driving me mad. I've swum a mile in the pool twice this week as an alternative non-impact workout. Pleased that the running seems to have helped as I'm managing 1.1 miles in 45 mins!! Not fast by some standards, but faster than the 50-60 mins I was doing it in before running!
Yes, the B210K is a good step up from the C25K, four weeks x 3 of the same podcast similar to the C25K, then week five is three different podcasts ending with two x 30 min runs with a one minute walk break in the middle...thereafter you use your own music to do the full hour or 10K, whatever is coming first.
Good luck with it Sara and let me know how you do!
Thank you so much Carole, will do. I envy your access to a pool - when i lived in Oz there was a 50m pool down the road and I'd swim a kilometer most days. Here in Austria a pool for actually swimming laps in is a rare thing indeed - they like 'bathing' here :-). God knows what would happen now if i even tried a lap!! Your swim timings are excellent, really impressed.
As a cross training i have an indoor cycle (to strengthen quads to support my knees) and i also do a leg magic workout (only 13 mins) for core stability which is all good as i live at the foot of the Rax alps and i love hiking sooooo no swimming but i get to hike in the mountains now and then.
Really hope those shin splints sort themselves out. Am battling with really painful heel spurs which seem to be heading in the direction of my Achilles tendon. The doc has prescribed insoles and heel gels so hope it will all calm down too.
All the best Carole and thanks again, Sara x

Hey, thanks for the podcasts for Bridge to 10k. I'm just about to start week 8 but I needed to think about my next goal. Is it right that it's just 5 weeks? I'm thinking of really challenging myself and working towards a 10k at the end of June but would like to know if this is a viable option??! Thanks.

thank you just finished the c25k today and looking at the next thing to do
I hate necro'ing threads, but I'm getting `404 - Object not found!` for the Dropbox link. I've googled for the `` but I'm not having any luck locating it anywhere online.
Can anyone post this again? I'm coming up on the end of the C25K program and would like to transition straight into the B210K.
Thanks in advance.

Link still working ok for me. Give it another go.

I have a mac and can't open .zip files. Is there a link to where these are available online? Are these the ones available on the app store by Zen labs?

Sorry Hannie, no idea. But, if you PM me your email address I can send the mp3 files, if that helps?

That would be fantastic. Will pm you my email address.
Link is not working...just disappears off screen

I can't find a problem with the Dropbox link, it's working ok here. I don't have an alternative I'm afraid.

It is working for me! Thanks

Thanks for these, brilliant!
Is there a written guide of what the runs are each week?

sounds good, gonna start this tomorrow

Bump - this link is still working. Thankyou

Many Thanks, MP3's downloaded fine.
Hi Andy - you don't know me but I'm just grabbing these now.
A month of C25K and straight on to this methinks.

Been a while since I logged on. Nice to see this is still getting used.

Thanks for sharing this - i have downloaded this to give it ago after i built up to running for 40 minutes
Hi.. does this link still work does anyone know? its not working for me!

Give me an hour or so and I can upload the Bluefin B210K for you and post a dropbox link.

Hi, I've tried following the link a few times but no success. Appreciate that this is an old link so I may have missed out! Please do let me know if theres a chance I could still download it? On maternity leave and keen on building up to 10k before I go back to work - have completed C25k (for the 4th time since 2012) and missing the coaching!