Podcasts versus the free c25k app? Is there a difference, or an advantage? Currently listening to my phone playlist via the c25k app, w4r3 tomorrow night, does she get more talkative as the weeks progress? Thanks
Podcasts: Podcasts versus the free c25k app? Is... - Couch to 5K

No not really but I've just done my 5k and I'm actually going to miss Laura. She's been with me from the sweaty, dying mess I was to the runner I am today.
Thanks, a friend challenged me to compete in a local parkrun event, a 5k every saturday morning, all free. Was told about c25k, very impressed with it, want a nice introduction to running again
I have really enjoyed it, although there were times I could have laid on the floor and never got up lol For a complete beginner it's great having a guide and measure of progress and for someone returning to running I can imagine it's a starting point although you may not need the full 9 weeks, good luck!
Don't miss her, download the follow on C25K+ podcasts, they are the business - Stepping Stones, Stamina and Speed. I use one of them at least once a week. xx

Doing the nhs c25k podcasts voiced over by laura is the one to follow. You need to listen to what she says so you know when you need to walk and when to run. I used the podcasts on an mp3 player. Lots use the app but the mp3 player seems to be a more stable platform

The app tells me that too, need to sort out some other tunes to listen to, oh and ill try and remember to switch off wifi, I get a deafening gong when I go past a house with free wifi

The app sounds great but in my experience it's not! In practice you should have all the benefits of Laura but get to listen to your own music. In reality the app is unreliable and freezes without warning. You don't even realise it's done it till you're still running 33 mins into a 25 min run!!! Yes - that's from bitter experience!

I dont like the sound of that Im curious if map my run will work ok simultaneously with c25k?

I used to run mapmyrun and the podcasts together with no problem

I've been using c25k in conjunction with Map my Run and iTunes all at once; c25k froze once and had me running for too long, but I think I probably inadvertently paused it whilst looking for Farrel Williams at a jog! Otherwise it's been fine, with my iPhone anyway. When it fails, I think it's to do with satellite reception more than anything else though I could be wrong.

Hmm....if you decide on the app just watch out for W6R3 as I'm not the only one to have had problems with that one.

Definitely the podcasts. Even if you don't like the music, that's a motivation in itself to keep running and complete the session so you don't have to do it again. Plus you won't know what we're on about when we talk about 'Julie'. It's a rite of passage....
Your own choice of listening material is IMHO your reward for graduating.
i tired teh app to start with but it had issues ,like freezing and aoorently doubling the running times , got the podcasts after that never looked back the music wasnt so bad ...

just had a quick listen, definately sounds more human than the app, thanks everybody

I use the app along with Spotify and Runkeeper! Just gotta open them in a certain order or Laura won't dim your music and you end up running/walking for too long. At week 5 and have had no problems with the app itself so far