It hasn’t stopped raining here - the locals are somewhat resigned to it. Me less so, the temperature is still warm but I now have three pairs of trainers drying out and am wearing in rotation the least wet pair.
My twinkly red trainers which kick started my C25K resurgence are looking a bit grubby and feel decidedly damp. It’s a bit late now to decide to become a barefoot runner, especially dealing with the aftermath of Beefburger foot, now thankfully down to big toe side and bottom and a less shredded little toe
The carnival is curtailed because of money and frankly the biblical amounts of water throwing it down. Only I could come to South America for 10 days and not see carnival….
Therefore the samba and party beats may have to be self created. Today is the big one, the one when we move from single minute runs to double figures. I know what’s in store but it doesn’t make it easier
There’s the Army’s 7 Ps phrase in my head, focusing on proper planning and prep.
I’ve followed the programme to the letter including stretches and resting - Tick
My kit is ready to go Tick
I think I’m ready to go Half Tick
Misquoting Medtloaf two and a half out of three ain’t bad.
Come on JCR you have the coolest coach by your side Jo Cool.
Okay The 7Ps obviously hasn’t allowed for the eighth P the Pause button on the app which I think I must have engaged sticking my phone in my running top. I wondered why Jo Cool had been quiet- ended up doing a ten minute warm up walk more or less. The topless running club were back out there - I’m guessing the torrential rain had kept them away.
I decided to run away from them so it didn’t look like they’d got a pervy granny stalker.. Jo confirmed that she knew I'd probably been swearing at her but that was okay.
What was really interesting was how Jo’s time check at 2.5 minutes in, was utterly desperate news. At that stage I used all my English and Italian swear words plus a new Polish one acquired at the weekend wine tasting courtesy of Mariusz.
Jo had already forgiven me and said it’s about brain conditioning not leg conditioning. Mr JCR is a mega long distance cyclist and he always says that to ride for 1000+ kms it’s the head and not the legs that makes the difference between doing and not doing the challenge.
As a slightly batty greyhound owner I spotted a galgo in the dog poop area. (All sight hound owners know this you become a full blown nutter at the sight of a whippet, Iggy, Galgo or Greyhound)
The galgo barked excitedly as I plodded past, he was my beautiful encouraging spectator and gave me something to focus on which was not the time checks
Then the time seemed to fly by although I was really very slow my warm up walk seemingly faster than the run itself. Jo told me my time was almost up, and at that point Lip Up Fatty came on for my final triumphant run past my new galgo friend.
It’s fine and it’s done both in the head and by the legs.
My last run in Buenos Aires probably for life, so long, it’s been fun, even though the weather has been shocking.
Next run back in Italy - apparently we’ve had great weather whilst we’ve been away- ho hum. Aiming for C25K graduation if I can by the end of March. Army 7 Ps started and no eighth P for pausing permitted!