This is my third go at C25K and I’m on Week 5. Just completed the first run and actually feeling OK. It was the 20 min run that defeated me before so wish me luck and post any top tips!
Third time lucky? : This is my third go at C25K... - Couch to 5K
Third time lucky?

Did you not manage to run the 3rd run of week 5 on your two previous attempts Hen567?, if so I hope it will be third time lucky, take run 3 of week 5 a little slower than you did the first and second time you tried it, stay well hydrated but don't run it for at least a hour after breakfast if you intend run it in the morning, same goes for lunch if you intend to run it in the afternoon, I wish you good luck for R3 of week 5. 😊 ✔️
Thanks for the tips I will do that. I didn’t manage the 20 min run second time of trying and first time didn’t get that far. This time I’m feeling much better and think I’m fitter than previously and also am not on migraine meds that I think were affecting my ability to exercise. I used to get horrid stitches but none so far now

You're on Week 5. Enjoy this week. It's actually easier than Week 4.
Don't believe me? Well Week 4 nearly doubles the amount of time you're running compared with Week 3 (16 minutes compared with 9).
Did you notice? Probably not.
Are you seeing that 20 minute run as a biggie? It's not. It's just another 4 minutes on what you did in week 4. If you added 7 minutes in Week 4, adding another 4 should be easier.
Week 5's runs are: 15 minutes (with two 3 minute breaks), 16 minutes again (with one 5 minute break in the middle) and 20 minutes.
All that's happening is that you're being asked to run about the same amount but take fewer breaks.
You can do this as you've already done most of it already.
You just need to think about it the right way. Take it slowly. It's not a race.
If it helps, think about the third day's run being split into four 5 minute runs, one after the other. Do it on an out-and-back route, so you know where the middle point is (and you turn around there) and you know roughly where you're going to finish.
But the trick is to start slow and stay slow. You need to keep enough in your tank to allow you to keep going to the end.

Top tip for W5R3 Hen567 ? Forget about running for 20 minutes, break it down into do-able chunks. nowster has already suggested four chunks of five minutes, and has also made some other good points about week 5.
My own preference is for ever-shorter chunks: run for 10 minutes (that's half done) then for 6 (easy, it's much less than before.) Then run for 3 minutes (piece of cake, it's half what you just did) and lo and behold, you only have one minute left to do (well you're not going to stop at that point, are you?)
Basically you can break it down however you want, as long as the whole thing adds up to 20 minutes and each chunk is no longer, and preferably shorter, than the previous one.
Thank you - I’m going to chunk it!

Don't run too fast and mentally stay strong, I did my 20min run Friday last week and the first eight minutes I was convinced there was no way I was going to do it, felt like I was running through custard, checking my breathing was good and deep then woosh everything thing went away my mind cleared and things got lighter. I knew then I had it and kept saying to myself I can do this. Go slow be positive if you have got this far then you can do it, have a banana before your run it is my trick, the energy from it is there for the run, hydrate and find the flattest route you can, don't do nothing too energetic for a good few hours beforehand keep pushing it will work you CAN do this.

good luck and keep going! I’m on at least my third go but illness, life and procrastination get in the way. Currently I’m nursing severe bruising when I fell off the stepper at the gym! One of these days I’ll get to the end of the pro gram. 🤞🏼

Welcome back. My only advice is take it slowly. Repeat runs as often as you need to. I think I’ve done weeks 5-9 about 50 times but I got there in the end. Even now 7 years on I sometimes only do a 20 minute run but sometimes I trot along for 45 minutes. Just remember anything is better than nothing and it’s not a race more a personal goal. Good luck xx

Good Morning
In my experience and as others have said, it is mind games that get you running for 20mins.
You are bound to have self doubt but once you have done 10mins then you know you’re Over The Hump. Chunk it as you so aptly phrased it.
As long as you have really held back on the pace so you are breathing ok and not too puffed and hot , it should be a question of reminding yourself that you can do it and to keep on with the slow non- gazelle running. The 20mins should , if not fly by, at least soon come to a victory cool down.
Let us know how it goes and what worked for you. Best wishes
like others have said, take it really slow! Then even slower again!
I completed this run yesterday and when they said ‘start running’ I quietly said to myself out loud ‘here we go’ and then almost laughed out loud as after saying ‘here we go’ I started jogging at walking pace, really didn’t need the big build up I had given it, haha.
Like others said, I broke it up.
I broke it up into 10 mins (mentally thinking, I have done 8 minutes and this is only 2 more minutes, so I can do it)
Then when I saw I only had 8 minutes left I was like ‘I know I can do 8 minutes. So I can do this’.
So much of this is mind over matter. Choose a good playlist/podcast/radio station that will keep you motivated.
Good luck and enjoy it!!
hi. Welcome back! Tomorrow I am to do my first 20 minute run (w5, r3). I was elated to achieve the 8 minute runs but I do feel 20 mins is a massive step up and I am worried but also looking forward to trying. All the best for your runs. Good luck.

It's in your head that you need to focus. If you've got this far, you can do it if you believe!

Third times the charm.
Run 3 is more of a mental challenge. The programme prepares you well.
Go out slow and steady and you’ll make it. Keep us posted…
cup of tea in hand