Is it OK to restart c25k after knee injury, I've been resting in the last 10 days, and even walking is painful, but will I be able to couch again? Does anyone else has similar experience?
After injury : Is it OK to restart c25k after... - Couch to 5K
After injury

I think this is one of those occasions where you need proper medical advice rather than unqualified words off random internet people. A medic will look at your specific case and injury.
I hope you get back to running soon, but not before proper healing. xx

Knees are complicated structures and running subjects them to a lot of stress. If you're still in a lot of pain you need to see a doctor as soon as you can.Once they establish what's causing the problem there's a really good chance you'll get back to running but you MUST get proper medical advice. Suffering in silence doesn't help healing.
Hope you feel better soon.

If you can't tolerate walking at the moment, running isn't going to help.
The usual advice applies for anything like this: rest it properly, and if that doesn't work get medical advice. If it's not improved over the course of two weeks, a GP or physio visit would be wise.

I agree with everyone else: please get proper advice from a qualified health professional. If you can't walk without pain then running really isn't a good idea.
If it reassures you at all, having a knee injury doesn't necessarily mean you can't run again in the future. It might take time though - I faceplanted quite dramatically in June 2022 and it took me some months to recover.

I've been on the bench since October with a sore knee. I'm having physio and acupuncture. It's very slowly getting better but I certainly wouldn't attempt to run until I'm completely pain free. I'm itching to get back to running but won't risk making it worse. I'll will probably either start from the beginning or around week 3/4 when I do eventually get my running shoes back on. Take your time, you don't want to make matters worse and the weather will start to improve, hopefully

I’ve been in your position and definitely glad I took medical advice. I saw a chiropractor and had a few treatments and tailored exercises. I essentially had to wait to heal and I think you will probably need to do the same. Joints are complex and when one is not functioning well it can affects others. I had terrible hip pain a few years ago from no a foot injury! The foot problem affected my gait which in turn affected my thigh and hip. Take care of yourself

Everyone's journey is different, especially when it comes to injury and illness.
Please see you medical provider for advice with regards to taking up specific exercises while injured.

If you still have pain during walking it's not a good idea to start running.
I'm in the same situation. The pain in the knee begins at the beginning of October. As you I would like to start running again ... but I know if I start to early I will have to pause soon! For me it was the second injury in 2024! The years before I had never problems and I could run a quarter marathon in October 2023. :))) I was so happy and wanted to run it again ... but then in Feburary 2024 I accidently had pain in the left ankle. About 2 1/2 months rest and I began with C25K. I managed the 5 kms again .... and then in October the pain in the knee!! :((