Getting started when you are heavy : Hi all, not... - Couch to 5K

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Getting started when you are heavy

Mammachoob profile image
42 Replies

Hi all, not sure if this is the sort of thing to post but I'm 20 stone, feeling low and need to get started, I have a mini trampoline, love listening to upbeat music and am hoping to try and do the C25K on the trampoline, I'm far too embarrassed to try it in daylight outside! I'm hoping this will help and if I can get into a routine, give me the endorphins I need to carry on, I'm going to join slimming world this coming Wednesday and hopefully with the two combined and shift some of this emotional weight I've gained over the years! Thanks xx

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Mammachoob profile image
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42 Replies
AlMorr profile image

Congratulations to you Manmachoob on considering to start C25K and attend slimming world this Wednesday, however, I don't really think a mini trampoline is the place or should that be the apperatus for training C25K, there are people of all shapes and sizes who run, not in the dark, but in daylight, as your slimming world class is on a Wednesday you could do C25K on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday outside in the daylight, not a trampoline but that could be done on non running days, I wish you good luck for your running journey with C25K and those Wednesday slimming classes 😂✔️

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to AlMorr

Thank you 😊 x

Yesletsgo profile image

What a fantastic approach you're taking Mammachoob ! Diet and exercise together will help you lose weight, build muscle and generally do wonders for your self esteem and mental wellbeing.I understand not wanting to be seen attempting to run. When I started C25K I was wearing clothes that looked quite like normal clothes. As a short, chubby woman in my 60s I'm not what you think of as a stereotypical runner.

Something happened a few weeks in. The urge to feel comfortable overcame the urge to be invisible. I bought lycra leggings and haven't looked back.

Try walking to your local park at a time when there aren't too many people around, find a flat place and just start the first run. You don't have to go fast, the slower the better, and it's only for a minute at a time. Repeat.

It WILL get easier. Most people are way too worried about themselves to take any notice of you.

Before you do this it's a really good idea to make sure you have the right footwear. A specialist running shop is probably the best place to go. They aren't necessarily more expensive than one of the big chains and they know their stuff.

The wrong shoes will make your efforts way harder. Even now, after nearly 3 years, I can't run for more than a couple of minutes in fashion trainers but put me in my running shoes and you just won't stop me!

All the very best and let us know how you get on. This is a lovely supportive bunch of people and we're all on your side 😁

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Yesletsgo

Thank you 😊 x

Cantstopmenow profile image

Well done on your decision to join slimming world and start couch to 5k. You will meet lots of super friendly supportive people at slimming world, all with the same aims of losing weight and getting fit. ( I speak from experience) You may even find a buddy to start couch to 5k with you.

I agree with AlMorr and Yesletsgo , outside or on a treadmill is the way to go and correct, well-fitting footwear makes a huge difference. (I speak from experience again!) Your love of upbeat music will be a great boost too.

There's also lots of tips, support and encouragement on this forum, so keep in touch. Best of luck Mammachoob xxx

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Cantstopmenow

Thanks ☺️x

ktsok profile image

Well done Mammachoob! You have taken the first steps toward a healthier way of living your life, by the sounds of it.

One of things most of us learn on this C25K journey is to regulate the voices in our heads that tell us negative stuff like ‘I’m too slow/old/big/etc.’ We have an idea when we start of what a runner ‘should’ look like, and it doesn’t match what we see and feel, and it gets in the way of us getting out the front door.

We learn - and come to believe - that a runner is anyone who runs. And round here, the slower you go, the better! I’d encourage you to be brave, put your earphones in, and get out there. If I saw you go by, I’d be thinking ‘bravo’ 👏

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to ktsok

Thanks 👍😊x

piggy73 profile image

You can do it 🙂👍. I started c25k 6 years ago and made it. It was tough at times but totally worth it. I go to a very inclusive running group where everyone is welcome - perhaps you can have a look in your area as there may be something. They have leaders on each run and no one is left behind, whatever their pace. Good luck and keep going.

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to piggy73

Thanks 👍😊x

Week7 profile image

Well done you for getting started!C25k is a great way to improve your fitness . I think many of us felt embarrassed to be seen running to start with. I started by going out early in the morning wearing baggy tshirt and old tracksuit bottoms when few people were around . After a few weeks the desire to complete the program and increase my running further became more important than my fear of being seen.

Slimming world encourages regular activity alongside diet so your C25k runs will go towards awards there too!!

You are taking such positive steps . I really hope that you decide to continue on the C25k program and look forward to reading about your journey.

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Week7

Thank you 😊 x

Wavy-chick28 profile image

Take all the advice given by my fellow runners, I wanted to start C25K for a long time before I plucked up the courage as I too was worried about what others thought!

I used to watch a runner she was of a big build running past my house and it was she unknowingly that gave me the inspiration to get out there, be someone’s inspiration go on you can do it!!!!!!

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Wavy-chick28

Thank you 😊 x

Kirst13 profile image

I started in normal winter clothes and walking boots, with my dog and walking if a car came past. Runners and running gear make it a lot easier and somewhere along the running journey I started flaunting my still overweight body in leggings with Highland cows or chickens on- they really draw attention. The change just happens, but no way I could have envisaged wearing them at the start. I found lucyshawvlogs inspirational

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Kirst13

Thank you 😊 x

Fatlad2Fitlad profile image

Best of luck Mammachoob - I echo the comments above that a mini trampoline is probably not the best way to start C25k. I get the feeling of not wanting to run in public, but I found that was all in my head - everyone I run past is much too busy in their own life to be bothered about me puffing past!

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Fatlad2Fitlad

Thank you 😊 x

JeremiahObadiah profile image

Welcome to you, glad you found us.

Fabulous that you have made a plan to get yourself fitter and leaner.

Can I suggest you watch the slow running video-it inspired me. Understanding that it’s about time and stamina and not at all about speed or distance makes a big difference..

My other suggestion would be to find a warm up video -there are loads, free, if you google, but a basic 5minute NHS warm up is available . This will get your muscles -and your brain- ready for action. Try it out, you may find some online fitness is something you could do everyday to add increasingly more movement into your’ rest’ /not running days

I also felt very self conscious when I first ran and picked a very quiet lane and just went up and down it. This really worked for me. It was only a few weeks before I felt fine about encountering people. Mostly if they say anything it’s just ‘Nice day for running’ , they don’t know if I’m at the end of a 10k run or on my first ever run and frankly it so doesn’t matter to them!

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to JeremiahObadiah

Thanks 👍 ☺️x

CazzieBoo profile image

Please don’t let your size put you off starting the programme properly. I was in exactly the same position as you last May (only a bit heavier). It took me ages to pluck up the courage to run outside in the daylight, but my goodness am I glad I did! I am now training for a half marathon and have lost over 9 stone through exercise (running) and healthy eating. It has been life changing. I promise you that nobody else is interested in watching you run - it’s only our own insecurities that hold us back. You can do this! Go for it!

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to CazzieBoo

Thank you very much 😊x

Madwife60 profile image

well done for wanting to even start. It certainly feels daunting but you can definitely get fitter. Three years ago I was four stone heavier and the first time I attempted to run for 60 seconds I truly thought I would die! However I’m a stubborn old bird so I went on the fast 800 diet (I just have to remember how awful that was to stop myself shovelling in a cream doughnut I don’t need) and started the C25k. It definitely took much longer than 9 weeks and I used to go out at dusk in the baggiest t shirt I could find and just get overtaken my late night dog walkers. After a bit I realised nobody actually noticed me at all (one of the benefits of getting older is you become invisible) and as I got fitter and the weight started to come off I realised the power was all with me and here I am at 66 with a normal BMI able to jog a steady if slow 5k. Go with it my friend - you will not regret it but be kind to yourself, take it slowly, accept there will be bumps in the road but you can do it

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Madwife60

Thank you so much 😊 x

Mossop0namission profile image

hi your doing fab any movement is good. Before going to SW or WW try Slimpod look it up on line. It helps with confidence as well xxxx good look with the couch to C25K

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Mossop0namission

Thanks 👍😊x

VS1975 profile image

Well done & good luck on your journey.

Is your garden big enough to start the plan on? Until you progress further.

I as many other ladies (&men) felt body conscious at the beginning & some now still.

I wear a cap as I think if I can’t see them they can’t see me. It works for me mentally.

Like somebody else posted, you’ll probably also give people inspiration too.

At the end of the day you’re out there trying to better yourself. Dont worry about others. Think of YOU. Go get em … 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️💪🏼 x

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to VS1975

Thanks very much 🙏😊 x

MrBassmanjazz profile image

By the time you've completed the 5min warmup you'll be far enough away from the house that the neighbours will just think you're walking.

Beyond that it's usually only strangers - who cares what they think?

The right shoes will make a world of difference.

Yesletsgo profile image
YesletsgoAmbassadorGraduate in reply to MrBassmanjazz

Pick a time when there are only dog walkers and mums with buggies. The dog walkers will only be interested in making sure their dogs don't try and run with you, the mums are so wrapped up in their own worlds they won't even notice you.

In truth, people in general pay far less attention to strangers than we, as that stranger, like to think.

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to MrBassmanjazz

Thanks 😊 x

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to MrBassmanjazz

Thanks 😊 x

Carowood profile image

congratulations Mammachoob and get those running shoes on!

I always cheer out loud when driving by and see someone having a go like you. Take it slow and keep going - it will be worth it!

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Carowood

Thank you 😊 xx

RedTed2 profile image

Go you! You’ve got to start somewhere. I’d advise small steps, just changing one small thing every day until it becomes habit and gently increasing. Don’t put yourself under too much pressure or, if you’re like me, you’ll just stop.

Keep it fun, keep it light but just keep doing it.

You're going to smash it! Good luck 👊🥳🤩

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to RedTed2

Thanks 😊 x

Icebluespinner profile image

Echoing others here, you can do this and don't let thoughts of others put you off! You are amazing to take the first steps🤩. I started doing C25K in the early mornings when it was still dark. I went to the local park, the first runs were so difficult, but little by little I stuck with it. Go slow and listen to your body. I had to repeat some weeks, it is absolutely fine to do that. After 4 or 5 weeks I started feeling more confident, not only in being able to run in daylight, but it spilled over into life generally. This is the magic of running! I realised that walking / running along the road cars driving by either see you for a second, so have no idea how far you are walking or running, or they won't even see you at all. People you pass on the street likewise don't have any idea where you have come from or where you are headed. If anyone thinks anything it is highly likely they will be impressed. So many people think about doing some running but never start - so by being seen you can then motivate others. This forum is fantastic for advice, moral support and motivation. I still look at it when I have planned a run but the motivation is low.,,but mostly I love running now, I really have found that you can just run in your own way at your own pace. Good Luck!

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to Icebluespinner

Thank you very much xx 😊

CBDB profile image

Just saw you posted about your first outside run! Welll done! Keep on keeping on! Woohoo!

Just thought I’d pop in to give a link that includes several slow running videos, that really help all of our beginner runners of not running too fast . Slow running: it’s a thing! And it works!

Happy running! You are doing great!!!!

Mammachoob profile image
Mammachoob in reply to CBDB

👍👍👍😊thank you x

Zula2022 profile image

Two years ago I was 3 stone heavier and unfit. Joined SW to loose weight and Couch to 5K. I've lost the weight and have done C5K twice! First time I did it walking and second time very slow running - all on treadmill. Now feel confident to try outside next week! If I can do it - at 72 - you'll be fine - just make sure you do it at your pace!

Jcilom profile image

Hello Mammachoob

I think that getting fit is great. In the past I used to be a fitness instructor. The first thing I requested every client to do was to visit their Dr to have their fitness level assessed. Ask the Dr. for to get you an appointment with a dietitian who will give you great advise on what to eat. You don't have to go to a gym. The trampoline is good. Learn exercises to strengthen you. The exercises will also help you to develop mussel tone. Muscle burns fat! Enjoy your journey to fitness.

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