Two of the runs for week six complete.
The 5 minute runs of W6R1 seemed harder than the 8 minute run but overall it went well.
When it came to R2, the first 10 minute run felt harder than the second one except for the very last 1 minute when my legs seemed to be running all on their own. An odd feeling particularly when it came to slowing down to walk, I was not sure my legs were going to respond to my brain. Once I started walking they seemed back under my control. The two 10 minute runs definitely seemed more difficult than last weeks 20 minute run.
On a separate note, I seem to have dropped myself in it a bit. We visited one of my friends at the weekend who has her sister staying with her due to her Dad being in hospital. She is classed as having special needs and requires supervision in the same way that a young child would. Her Dad says she had Peter Pan Syndrome which probably describes her better than those conditions diagnosed by the medical profession.
I was talking to my friend and mentioned how I was getting on with the C25K and her sister asked if she could come running with me one day. I sort of agreed but when I did my friend started to laugh and informed her sister that it may be a few weeks before I am ready to run with her. She then told me that when at home her sister runs a Park Run each week with a family friend who runs marathons. Quite often her sister asks if they can go around again once they have finished. I think I am well out of my league there apparently a single park run circuit is 5K.