Completed week5 run2 yesterday : Completed week... - Couch to 5K

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Completed week5 run2 yesterday

Mummy1208 profile image
•18 Replies

Completed week 5 run 2 yesterday and have just looked to see what tomorrow's run is and I'm already doubting myself don't think I can run 20 minutes straight😲

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Mummy1208 profile image
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18 Replies
Instructor57 profile image

Of course you can !

You have completed run 2 so are physically ready for run 3

Don't let your head tell you otherwise 🙂

Make sure you are well hydrated (from today not tomorrow morning)

Take it slow and enjoy .

It's just a run 😁

Oldfloss profile image

Instructor57 is completely right... you are going to enjoy it... check this out too maybe..

And practice that smile :)

backintime profile image

I think most people's first reaction on seeing that is one of shock, I remember my first time around thinking that I couldn't do it, but the programme has prepared you for it, even if you don't think it has. The link Oldfloss included is a good one (of course, she only provides good ones :D ). Slow and steady is the way to go. Trust in yourself and the programme. You've got this.

Fiadh79 profile image

I did this one just last week - you can as well! Trust the programme, and take it slow. Slower than you've been running so far.

The only time I struggled was about 2 or 3 minutes in. I thought I'd never manage it. But I thought about it - my legs felt fine and I wasn't out of breath. It was just my brain. You can do it!

MissUnderstanding profile image

I think almost everyone who gets to that run is a little apprehensive but you’re ready. It’s a step mentally but your body is ready for it. Take it steady and be ready for a massive grin at the end!

AlMorr profile image

Trust the program Mummy1208, run 3 of week 5 of C25K is a milestone run, once you have completed it, which you will you will be very proud of yourself. Marathon runners who have been asked "what run do you remember that made you a runner?" if they did C25K they answer, run 3 of week 5, I remember that run and where I ran it just as much as my graduation run, good luck, you can do it ✅👍

Noforkin profile image

I have just this minute done this, I really, really didn’t think I could do it, but put on my big boy boots and went with as much of a positive vibe as I could muster. I had to slow down a bit and there where a couple of times it was hard but I’m pleased to say I did it, you can too im sure, good luck, positive attitude just keep going :)

Sax64 profile image

Absolutely well done. Ready for week 6 now. Just go for it and trust in the programme and trust yourself too.

LeeU profile image

You're worrying about running for 20 minutes.

Please tell me which part of your body knows what time is?

Your heart, etc, has NO concept of time, all it does is react to the demands put on your body.

The ONLY part of your body that knows what time is is your head, it's a man made concept. As such you're looking at the 20 minute block and thinking I can't do it.

Week 5 run 3 is a psychological test, it breaks the barrier in your head that is limiting you, YOU are the only person who can do this and you CAN do it.

Trust the program and more than anything, believe in yourself.

Just go slow and steady and if you start feeling tired, just keep telling yourself, one more minute, just one more minute.


ArthurJG profile image
ArthurJGGraduate in reply to LeeU

I’d be careful with that approach Lee. It suggests the only reason we can’t run a marathon is we’re not mentally strong enough. The purpose of the training is not merely psychological. It makes you physically stronger too. Heart lungs and legs all benefit from the training too. And all can be harmed by overtraining. Mummy1208 needs reassurance that she’s physically ready (which she is). Respectfully, telling people that they can train for any amount of time if they believe they can because ‘the body doesn’t know’ is not correct. If I ran for a bus yesterday and run 5k tomorrow believe me my body knows the difference. Mental strength is part of it but physical improvement comes into it too. And what others here are trying to do is help the OP overcome her doubts by pointing out that she has the benefit of 5 weeks of training in her legs. If she had said she planned to run 10k tomorrow we’d be advising against it because, no matter how strong her willpower, physically she hasn’t trained to that level quite yet. But 20 minutes she can do. It does matter what time is.

LeeU profile image
LeeUGraduate in reply to ArthurJG

Ok, point taken but you miss the whole point of the post, this ISN'T about running a marathon, it's specifically about running for 20 minutes as called out by the OP.

Now, since you've graduated I'm sure you'll agree that the program prepares your body for week 5 run 3 and, if you didn't agree with that then I'm sure you wouldn't have tried it.

Your body knows the difference between running for the bus and running 5k? How?

You body is, technically, a machine, it responds to demands, your heart, lungs, legs, etc, DON'T even know what a bus is or what 5k is, ONLY your head.

Again, you seem to be putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with something that definitely isn't 4, where did I recommend or even suggest the OP runs for longer than 20 minutes?

ArthurJG profile image
ArthurJGGraduate in reply to LeeU

But you make my point for me Lee. It’s 20 minutes not a marathon. So the duration matters, right? And you suggested otherwise in your first comment.

Which part of my body knows it’s run a 5k? All of it, metaphorically speaking. It’s not a philosophical discussion about the nature of knowledge. An egg doesn’t know what a hammer is but that doesn’t mean the hammer can do it no harm.

LeeU profile image
LeeUGraduate in reply to ArthurJG

I suggest you go back and read what I put to start with, I stated this:

The ONLY part of your body that knows what time is is your head, it's a man made concept. As such you're looking at the 20 minute block and thinking I can't do it.

Strange, no mention of marathon until you decided to try and make some point which didn't exist, why?

Your body knows if's run a 5k? No it doesn't, it knows there's been a level of exertion, it doesn't know that it's run 5k, to claim otherwise would be silly.

Again, point out where I stated or even intimated that the OP should or could run for longer than 20 minutes.

VS1975 profile image

I felt the same. But did it too & felt so good afterwards.

I have Reece Parkinson prompting me on the app. He says- just keeping putting one foot in front of the other. Don’t stop, if you think you need to stop just slow down but keep moving.

Youve got this, can’t wait to see your post that you did it.

hamit profile image

O yes you can, run slow to finish and don't overthink it. Have an Excellent 20 mins.

ManchesterLad profile image

Don't overthink it, its definitely a mental thing more than physical. Start steady and find a rythym. Think about life, work, try a different route and / or listen to music so that your not concentrating on how long you've been going and how long is left.

Good luck !

ArthurJG profile image

You’ll be fine: I’ll not go into the maths but you’ve been progressively reducing the amount of walking so you’re ready. Just take it nice and slow and if it seems too much, instead of stopping just slow down even more. You’ll be surprised the difference it makes.

There are certain runs in this programme that sometimes trip people up. It may come as a surprise but week 5 run 3 is not one of them. In fact more people struggle at the start of week six, I think because their success in week 5 tempts them to go too fast because it’s ‘only 8 minutes’. It’s not 8 minutes running it’s 21 even though broken up with some walking. What it’ll teach you is you’re no longer as reliant on walk breaks as you used to be or as you thought you were. So after you’ve successfully completed week 5 run 3 remember that week 6 deserves the same respect, keep the pace nice and slow, and you’ll be fine.

Sue2023 profile image

I used to Under estimate myself all the time with the runs … but glad to say I got there in the end . I never looked at what the next run was going to be and never checked how long I’d been running for . Just let your Coach take you through it on your run day . You’ll get there 💖

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