Lazarus!: That's what an old friend whom I hadn... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Irish-John profile image
66 Replies

That's what an old friend whom I hadn't seen in forty years exclaimed when I got to the Airport :)

Kind of feel that way now. Seems FOREVER since I ran last but probably 'only' 7 months. Working on a ship did not allow for any, and then some of the worst weather ever when I did come ashore put the cap on it, as well as trouble with a wee fractured bone in my foot.

But - ship long sailed, weather rapidly improving and cautious 'try it' from Surgeon as regards foot bone saw me taking first tentative run yesterday.

Starting from scratch again. Did not use c25k app - start back with that tomorrow - but ran five reps of one tenth of a mile with one tenth walks in between to see how I would fare. 7 years ago I could not run even one tenth of a mile without stopping.

Dang it felt hard LOL.

LOL because having first started and graduated C25K in 2016, then going on to 10k, Ten Miles, a few HM's and one hard-won FM...running tenths of miles ... you would THINK would feel 'easy'.

Well - they probably would have for the genetically gifted but not for the likes of me :) I won't go into the terrible unfit and certainly genetically-challenged I was when I first started this wonderfully addictive pursuit but believe me, C25K absolutely definitely 100% works if you work it and take heed of all the good advice on this Forum.

And really, that is the most important thing I can say amongst all the ramblings - it works, don't let your 'thinking' tell you it does not. It is my firm and time tested belief that if you literally survive Day One, Week One ( I came close not, but you can read about that in old posts if interested/unbelieving :) you can go on to graduate and even go on from that to distances you cannot imagine at the beginning :) Might take you longer ( took me about 15 weeks), you might never get that 5k in 30 minutes ( I never have :) but you will get to graduation if you just keep on :)

The main problem is thinking instead of simply running - all those old tapes in our heads, "I'm too fat/old/decrepit for instance. 'I look stupid, people are laughing at me'. "I am too slow - now I am laughing cruelly at me' and on and on and on. I get them, we all get them. However, with a bit of time and experience they become laughable, believe me :) Because at that point you finally start accepting what has happened - you have become a Runner :)

Yesterday I ran half a mile in segments. Distance isn't important, the running is. The distance is only an aid to build up fitness so I can have more fun. The fun in running further is that it is more running and therefore more time enjoying the whole process, it's not simply about the number on the mile marker unless it is enjoyable, otherwise this would be punishment and that indeed would be 'stupid' :) At a certain point, I will find once again the combination of Time/Speed/Distance that will have me wishing I could run EVERY day ( not a good idea though, as I am sure you know by now) and that is what I am looking forward to with confidence - because of knowing this programme works! I hope those of you doing it for the first time can take some encouragement from that :) You will get there!

Truth is - you only 'do' a programme if you feel you cannot do something 'naturally' and there are literally THOUSANDS of members and graduates here who obviously thought they were not 'able to run' at first. So - good news is, you are NOT terminally unique here. We all started with Day One, Week One.

So -ALL you have to do - run. Slowly, steadily and within the parameters of the programme and individual capability of your physiology. One foot in front of the other and forget trying to 'figure it all out'. Certainly forget 'perfection' - even the proven BEST Runners in the world come in second place on occasions after all. It took me quite a while to truly 'get' that a heck of a lot of this running lark is in the mental game, I had to get out of my head to be able to use my legs to their best capacity :)

Take it from me - if you are new, struggling and feeling like you will never be able to get to thirty minutes ( forget 5K in 30, less than ten percent of graduates did it) not only do I know what you are feeling, when it comes to the heaving lungs, lurching tired legs, rapid heartbeats and so on...for the next few weeks until things settle back into their groove I will have them also :) And that is from someone who ran 26.2 miles at one point. Nowadays I know that the main thing is to simply go out the door - sometimes the hardest distance of all to accomplish - and simply let the run happens as it may. ANY run is far better than falling back into the 'Couch Life', believe me.

Anyway, it's good to be here again. I'm looking forward to the fun again of being in a massive 'amateur' crowd of runners at future events again - until you have tried that, you won't believe how much fun it is, beats anything on the box or big screen :)

Wishing you many happy miles in your future.

Written by
Irish-John profile image
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66 Replies
Week7 profile image

Welcome back!!! Your post says it all.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Week7

Thank you 🙂👍🏻

Dexy5 profile image

good to see you back again Irish-John. Good luck with C25k, although I’m sure you will slip right back into it. 🏃‍♂️👏👏

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Dexy5

Thank you Dexy 🙂👍🏻

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Hello stranger! 🙋‍♀️xxx

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Bluebirdrunner

It's been a while Blue :) But, like the proverbial bad penny - here I am again 🙂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Irish-John

You took the words right out of my. ..errr...reply!

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

LOL :)

Instructor57 profile image

Welcome back John 😬👍

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Instructor57

Thank hou I57 🙂👍🏻

Cowladyrunning profile image

Welcome back! Good luck restarting and that's a great post you've written.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Cowladyrunning

Thank you CLR 🙂👍🏻

Frenc profile image

Great to have you back Irish-John and back on terra firma 😊. Great post!

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Frenc

Thank you Ferenc 🙂👍🏻

Birdlady64 profile image

Long time no see! Welcome back!" The main problem is thinking instead of simply running" - so true! Then and now.

I'm sure you'll get right back into the swing of things

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Birdlady64

So far so good Birdlady 🙂👍🏻Thank you 🙂

AlMorr profile image

Nice to hear from you again Irish John, good post from you, so it's back to running after a 7 months break, you will "fly" through C25K but remember to take all the runs slowly as you haven't ran for a while, also, I wish you happy smiling miles with your running, as the late great Tim said at the end of his posts "keep running, keep smiling"

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Thank you Al 🙂👍🏻 Taking it very easy - no more fractures please 👍🏻

limberlou profile image

welcome back 😁

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to limberlou

Thank you L 🙂👍🏻

Cmoi profile image

Yay, hello Irish-John , great to "see" you again!

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Cmoi

And too see you C, 🙂👍🏻

Cantstopmenow profile image

Great post, as always. Good to see you back 😃

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Cantstopmenow

Thank you Csmn 🙂👍🏻

nowster profile image

Welcome back! I like to keep reminding people that this time three years ago, I was feeling physically sick having just done the third run of Week 1. I could have given up then and there.

But I didn't.

I put things on pause and tried again a few weeks later. And when that didn't work, I paused again and tried a couple of months later. Third time was the lucky one.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to nowster

Inspirational n :) Thank you 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

SueAppleRun profile image

Welcome back! Wise words, I'm so looking forward to following the rest of your journey .

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

Thank you W&S :)

HeavyFoot profile image

Welcome back, IJ. It is a little known fact that Lazarus went on to complete the C25K.

Irishprincess profile image
IrishprincessGraduate in reply to HeavyFoot


Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to HeavyFoot

He did it in a race I believe - but he only came 'forth' ;)

It's good to be back HF, thank you :)

Teresa1632 profile image

Great to see you back at it! Keep running slow - if the shuffle is good enough for the Kenyan elite, it'll do well for the rest of us too 😊

It’s not about speed, distance or clocks,

It is about mind, body and soul,

It’s not about competition,

It is about camaraderie,

It’s not about how far you have to go,

It is about how far you’ve come,

It’s not about them,

It is about you.

(Credit: Not sure who wrote it. Stolen from the Internet)

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Teresa1632

Thank you T, and love the quotation :)

Sandie1961 profile image

Welcome back! Thought you’d gone rather quiet. Keep us informed about your progress 😃

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Sandie1961

Thank you Sandie - so good to be back :)

Irishprincess profile image

Look who’s here! Welcome back John ☘️😍

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Irishprincess

I'm back, large as life and twice as ugly lol Thank you Princess :)

Roxdog profile image

I thought I hadn't seen you on the forum for a while and hadn't realised you were badly injured. Your post is, of course, an inspiration. We can all be Lazarus.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Roxdog

Thank you Rd - Lazarus Rules DOA! ;)

Maisiecat1 profile image

Nice to see another familiar name returning and what a fantastic post to start. Welcome back! 👏👏 Irish-John Look forward to the next chapter 😀💪

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Maisiecat1

Thank you Maise - looking forward to writing it for you :)

McFitty profile image

Yo Irish! Hugs and the usual malarky you gorgeous human bean. Good to read your dulcet tones again xxx

Just realised, excellent timing for a resurrection!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to McFitty

We need you back too!!! Xxx

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to McFitty

McF my friend! :) So good to hear from you and please - lets run together again :)

Beachcomber66 profile image

Those fly boys will be trembling! IJ is back !👊

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Beachcomber66

I doubt it lol, but thank you BC :)

Oldfloss profile image

Lazarus...bad penny...or just my wild colonial boy!

Either've turned up!

With a really useful post will fit in well with my next Catch up Corner post!

Mind you...if you steal my, slow and steady again, there will be trouble!!!

So good to see you, my friend xxx

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

It's great to be back and running again with dear friends :) I'm letting my feet just 'kiss the ground' and going 'slow and slower still' never fear :)

(PS - nothing to wild these days...though I did retire from being retired lol. Couldn't stand a life of leisure, way too boring :)

CBDB profile image

Hello hello hello 👋👋👋👋 So good to see your post again! Happy running!

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to CBDB

Thank you thank you thank you C :)

Teaching profile image

Welcome back. Good to see you.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Teaching

Good to be back T, thank you :)

backintime profile image

Hi IJ, welcome back for a bit of controlled falling, I just started again too after an operation (3rd time's the charm). Glad you're injury free and well enough to give it a go.

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to backintime

Thank you Bit, and so glad you are on the mend too :)

mrrun profile image

Welcome back man! 👊👊👊

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to mrrun

Thank you Mr R - it's good to be back on the road and here :)

Jennypenny2 profile image

Hi love your post, they always give me strength to keep going 💗 Happy Easter 🐣 💖

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Jennypenny2

Thank you Jenny, and Happy Easter to you also :)

Curlygurly2 profile image

Lovely to see you back John, I've re-done C25K more times than I can count, and it always works. Enjoy your journey xx

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to Curlygurly2

Thank you Cg 🙂 Great to be running with y'all again 😍

SmashedPotato profile image

Soooooo glad you have found your running feet again, and an excellent post as always. Thank you Irish-John 🙂

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to SmashedPotato

Thank you SP, so good to be back with my VRBs 🙂👍🏻

aliboo70 profile image

Hey! Lovely John ,you're back! 😁 I'm very late to the party! This is great to see, and you have the strength and resilience to get back on it,yay! 💪🏃‍♀️👌xxx

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to aliboo70

Thaank you Aiboo - so good to be back :)My ship came in lol - time at sea was a great upper body workout - but not a lot of length for running! 😂

(PS - now that you are here, the Party can really start 👍🏻😁,)

TailChaser profile image

Welcome back John, I wondered where you’d gone! Very well said 👏👏👏 You don’t need it but I’ll wish you luck anyway 😀 🍀

Irish-John profile image
Irish-JohnGraduate in reply to TailChaser

Thank you TC :) Very good to be back :)

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