I have a place in a 5.7 mile race on june 9th and i am not sure if i will be ready for it. It is a a 5.7 mile race and currently i run three times a week. I normally do a club run where i try to push myself over 5k and i'm running about 47 mins. I then have a gentle 5k which i'm running in about 55 mins and then this morning i ran 4 miles in 1 hour 5 mins. My intention is to continue to run my club run and gentle run and increase my weekly long run by 1/2 a mile each week this should give me the time to reach the distance. required and be able to do a practice run of the course race. I'm in two minds is this a good enough plan and will i be ready for the race or should i back out and wait for another race? i would value some advice.
Caught in two minds: I have a place in a 5.... - Couch to 5K
Caught in two minds

I would say it depends what the course is like. But to increase to 2 miles a month sounds rather optimistic, but then I don't know all the factors.

If you're not quite there you could always do a run-walk for your race. Or if your kilometers are close, the excitement of the race might pull you along to make up for the distance. I'd give it a go - there are no rules you have to run the whole way.

It isn't the Blaydon race by any chance is it? a half mile increase a week until race day is doable, I'm only up to 4 miles myself at the moment (coming back from wedding and honeymoon couch slobbery) Planning for 4 1/2 -5 next week. If you add up the miles you've done this week, which is 10 then take 10% which is a mile, as long as you don't increase by more than this a week you should be ok is how the general runners rule goes. I say try and increase a little and see how you feel the week before, 6 weeks away is a long time. If you do decide to run......see you on the start line.....I'm doing it too for the second year
that's pretty much 10K , it is possibly doable but you shouldn't over stretch yourself , I think a run/walk approach maybe the answer

Well as long as you're not actually "racing" with the aim of winning, then I'd say it's perfectly doable.
You did 4 miles this week for your long run. You could do 2 weeks of 4.5 miles, then 2 weeks of 5 miles, then 5.5 (or 5.6 or 5.7) miles once and then feel like a professional and do some "tapering" (i.e. don't run as far in the week before the race) and then you'll be ready.
As others have said, you could do a run-walk - but if you increase the distance of your long run by 0.5 miles each time, I think you'll be fine.

I'm building to 10K for a July race. I've found that for me, it's about starting out relatively easy. Monday I started out at 5K pace and guess what? That's exactly how far I got before I had to stop. Weds I started out a little more gently with a view to 'seeing how I felt'. I covered my previous longest distance again of 6.5K and tentatively kept going... To 8K! So, I'd approach it by taking it gently, gain what extra distance you can, but don't OVERDO it good luck and have fun!