So disappointed. For the first time in my Couch 25K journey I had to stop a run today. To say Im disappointed is an understatement. Got to the 18min mark & just could not keep running. Walked for 5 mins then tried to do the last 7 mins. Managed 5 & a half & could not finish. Legs were like lead & couldnt get my breathing or running rhythm. Tried slowing down, tried speeding up, nothing was working. I know thet say some runs just dont work but this is my first experience of not being able to power on. Im gutted 😢
Wk7 R3 - First Abandoned Run: So disappointed... - Couch to 5K
Wk7 R3 - First Abandoned Run

I totally understand the disappointment. You’re absolutely right that some runs go like that but it’s not nice when one does.
You can still find some positives if that’s helpful-you ran for 23 minutes. That’s still a great run, even if it was less than you wanted to. Coach Bennett of Nike Run Club says that when you can’t run the run you want, run the run you can. You absolutely did that. Today in the car I was listening to a brilliant Runner’s World podcast all about mental toughness and how we misunderstand it. It can be really positive not to push on when you’re not feeling it-apparently elite athletes are much better than us novices at that.
It’s worth think over whether there are any reasons why today was tougher-maybe you went a little fast, needed better nutrition/hydrating, were tired or stressed, coming down with a bug or whether it was just one of those days. Take a rest day and give yourself the best chance of finishing next time. Good route, good music (if that’s your thing), good preparation in terms of hydration and food, and most of all start slow.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking you’re a worse runner after a run that’s gone not as you wanted, but you’re not. That run will make you better.
I’ll say well done to you, even if you can’t say well done to yourself yet. You’ll look back fondly on some of those dodgy runs-some of my favourites are ones that were a disaster at the time!! ❤️
Thanks MissUnderstanding. My logical head is saying all of the above & I know that in everything in life, some days you just dont feel it 🙂 Think Im just feeling a bit meh about the whole week 7 if Im honest. Im going to write it off as a bad week, get my trainers on next week & start the whole week again but this time Im going to smash it!! Week 7 / you will not defeat me 👟🏃🏻♀️💪🏻
I didn’t enjoy week 7. I think I was still on a high from week 5 doing week 6 and then when week 7 came around, I was just tired!! We’re most definitely not alone-there are loads of posts on here reporting feeling the same!
I think any training programme has highs and lows and ups and downs. I’m just coming to the end of mine for an event in a couple of weeks and I’m absolutely done in. I’m just looking forward to the relief of having it done so I never have to do a long run again! I will, but I just need a rest!!
You’re totally fine to redo the whole of week 7 if you want. I’d be tempted to just repeat the last run extra slowly and see how you feel. You might be glad to say goodbye to it!
Really good luck to you ❤️

Don't be too hard on yourself, There can be many reasons for a run not going as we would like .
You do however mention your legs feeling like lead .
This is very often a symptom of dehydration.
Remember as an adult female runner you should ideally be drinking a minimum of around 2.2 litres a day ,
(Possibly even more) even on non running days to stay fully hydrated.
Give yourself a couple of days rest , make sure you are fully hydrated and give it another go .
You have already completed this run 3 times now so you know you can do it 🙂👍
Thanks Instructor57, I am a big drinker (not alcohol though - unfortunately 😊) & now you mention it I did only have 2.8lt all day yesterday where Im normally around the 4lt mark so it is a drop for me so may have affected me. I’ve deen thinking & today is actually the warmest the weather has ever been since I’ve started. Its 11degrees out (which is practically summer in Scotland) & I was wearing the same gear I wore on Tue run which was -2!!! Think I prob set myself up for a rubbish run with that. Im putting today down to a valuable lesson learnt 😊
I must admit I wasn't expecting you to say you normally drink 4 litres!But, as you did say , what you drank was quite a drop for you and with the temperature and clothes you were wearing it could still have been a factor !
Hope the next one goes well 🙂
yip, its 5 past 2 & Im on my 3rd litre of the day 😂 I drink almost constantly 😊
I'm curious... Why do you drink 4 litres a day and how long have you been doing that for?
This isnt just water, its my fluid it intake. i’ve always been a big drinker & its not intentional. I just always have. I start my day day with a litre of water before breakfast as I need an hour or 2 for my stomach to handle food. Then with water & tea throughout the day, Im always around 4lts a day.
Understood. So maybe that difference was possibly a factor.
Do you have any feel for what pace you've been going at in W7R1 & R2?
What's you're breathing rate been like?
Do you consider yourself to be jogging or running?

sorry you had a bad run, I know how it can knock you.
So much of running is mental so even if you didn’t manage to do the physical bit, try and focus on thinking that if you can get past this bad run and the disappointment and do another one you’ve notched up another milestone- a mental one. And the next time you have a bad run maybe it won’t shake you as much.
Coming back from the bad ones I think builds so much more resilience than a clocking up a good one.
You are stronger for it. And well done for listening to your body and knowing when to stop- that’s another skill!
unfortunately it happens to all of us at some point. Don’t be disheartened, pick yourself up and go again. Think of how far you’ve already come don’t let one bad day hold you back.

ohhhh…try not to be disheartened, there are lots of factors that can play a part in a run like this, it’s not a good feeling but, it happens…
Did you sleep well the night before? Are you coming down with something? Have you things on your mind? Were you well hydrated? Had you eaten? The list goes on…but, the running that you did do is an achievement in itself…take the positives from what you did do into your next run…whether you repeat this run or not…I would personally…and that’s totally ok! Try not to feel like you’ve taken a step back …you’re doing amazingly well and the running that you’re doing now is way more than the running you were doing just a few short weeks ago 😇
Thank you, thats all good things to consider & you’re right. One bad 18 min solid run is still a hell of a lot more than I even thought possible 7 weeks ago. Thank you 💐

I’ve been running for a few years and still get those type of runs. Some days can run 10k others can barely make 2k don’t get too disheartened at all, just go again
Oh I felt like that around the same week and time, some of them I was able to push on 'one foot in front of the other' but I've also had to stop the run early, it just felt wrong and I couldn't get the energy. I was so upset, especially as I was so close to finishing by then. But I got out again the next week, scared I'd lost the groove, but it was fine, really good in fact, probably more so as I had to prove I could still do it. I still get a mental block around 12-20 minutes, but I skip to the bounciest song on my play list and push on! I highly recommend Taylor Swift Shake it Off, that's kept me moving at the best and worst times! Couldn't do this without her now ♥️

Take the positive that although you stopped - you tried again, you weren’t feeling it but you still ran. I completed ct5k last year and have many ups and downs - I tried a 5k last week and only managed 2.5 before giving up and walking as my legs felt heavy and I couldn’t get my breathing right. But the next day I ran for 6k - weird but it happens. You got a run done and there’s nothing stopping you repeating a run before moving on 👍🏻 good luck