Hello everybody... welcome to 2023!
It is so good to see you here in the corner...the weather may have warmed up a tad, but the fire is still glowing and the cushions are here, ready for you all.
I really hope that some of you have found some time to relax over the last few days, and have maybe had some time for yourself. A gift or two of something you asked for may have been there, if that's a part of your celebrations, and if not, then the gift of something less tangible maybe?
Time spent alone, time spent with family, time spent with friends. All gifts, not the kind that you can buy, but, gifts nonetheless.
So, you may guess from this, that gifts were on my mind when I was thinking about this post.
Uh oh... (Here she goes again )
And I, as many have before me, come to the conclusion that running, is, truly, a gift.
It is a gift and one that gives, far, far more than it takes.
This particular gift has very special properties.
It has the potential if we allow it, to make a better version of ourselves, and not only that, it has the potential also, to help pass that skill on to others.
By sharing our experiences, by chatting on the forums, and here in the Corner, we are propagating and nurturing something wonderful. We run, we talk, we share, we listen, the seeds are sown and everything begins to grow, branching out, further than we may ever realise.
Running is a gift of friendship. It is our friend, a friend that we can love, dislike, use and yes, sometimes abuse, but it will never give up on us. Running gives us the gift of realising our dreams, raising us above the stresses and strains of life and worry. It is a friend that cherishes us.
It teaches us so much; about ourselves, about others, and not just in the way we run, The habits that running teaches us can be transferred to so many other aspects of our life. Good habits. Life changing habits. Habits that just may, be able to carry us through some of the dark times that we all encounter at some point in our lives.
There may be times when this gift gets mislaid, tucked in the drawer of life. Injury, illness, or something else, may mean that we lose it for a while. This is where another property of this gift shows itself. We can always find it again. It is always there.
So, we should take this gift gladly. There may be days when we think, it is not what we wanted, that we made the wrong choice. There may even be days when we think we should give it away.
No. We just need to try to take it slow and steady, ( yes, I know), one day at a time, one step at a time. Weather the times of self-doubt, feel the total elation of achieving whatever goals we set for ourselves, Find joy in the victories and run right through those walls that threaten our progress.
We have to use the gift, we have no idea where it will take us, but take us it will, to wherever and however far we wish to go.
Running. The gift that keeps on giving!
We are Runners. All of us. That gift is ours.
So that is my gift to you today. A real Floss rambling, ramble. I always get a tad like this at this time of the year, and being on the Running IC still, I have far too much time on my hands!
On a more sensible level.
I received running gifts this year of:
A pair of warm flip top mittens
A new warm running beanie hat
A pair of Polartec Running leggings!
Grab a cushion.... come close to the fire and let us all know how things are with you...and let us know if you got any running related gifts too
We can't wait to see your replies
Oldfloss x
Wishing you a Healthy, Happy, and a New Year filled with Hope x