The festive season is approaching, so I would like to share some thoughts about running socks. I bought myself these two pairs as a treat when I graduated from C25K a few months ago. I wasn’t sure about my foot size, so I bought a “medium men” pair and a “large women” pair to find out which worked best. They are the same brand, the same model made from merino wool, and they were the same price. Can you tell from their appearance which is which? Notice that only the women’s socks have glow-in-the-dark heel tops perfect for running in the winter months. Yellow would have been even more effective, but it looks like the designers were determined that the socks labelled W for women, would be pink for pinkification. The men’s socks, labelled simply M for medium, don’t have this feature. I’m wondering if the men’s dull socks leaves them at greater risk? None of the male runners I know have ankles that glow naturally in the dark. The bottom line: glow-wear is good for everyone because all runners, whatever their gender, need to avoid collisions in the dark.
What about socks?: The festive season is... - Couch to 5K
What about socks?

Personal opinion: ordinary socks or running socks don’t seem to make any difference for me. My running socks have light padding in certain areas and are helpfully marked L and R. Most important is to check for seams which could cause blisters or even cuts.

I've got plain black Balega Hidden Comfort unisex socks, size S. My shoe size is ladies 5 so I don't suppose there are many men with feet that small. It never occurred to me that bright bits might be a good idea but then I don't run after dark.
It's possible to buy flashing LED ankle lights for runners. These would give much better visibility than bright colours unless there was reflective yarn in the socks.
Sometimes I think clothing manufacturers have an agenda to get women into pink stuff. Not my style at all.

I have flashing lights for my shoes... one on front laces and one on heel. My socks are More Miles... bright and brilliant..

I have two pairs of Innov8 socks which I use all year round, in winter they're covered by long leggings so the colour/reflectiveness doesn't matter. I've had them a few years so must be due some new ones.. 🎅

Love the idea of flashing lights. Thanks everyone for your suggestions.