Hi, thanks for letting me join
I have been hovering around Healthunlocked for many years, dipping in and out. I took early retirement (right in the middle of lockdown) 2 years ago this month after working for 41 years for the same company. Since retirement I have lost 3 stone by walking every day doing a minimum of 10,000 steps and calorie counting. Plus a little bit of ‘Wii-Fit’ and trampolining at home. With my husband, In-between looking after our 3 grandchildren while their mum does shift work as a paramedic, we have had to grab what opportunity we could for holidays etc. This year we have been living the dream, 4 cruises, 2 All Inclusive land holidays, and rather a lot of alcohol at home in the evenings. My daughter and I like to go for lunches out and afternoon teas when we can. Not surprisingly, I have put a few pounds on, although in between each trip away I tried to lose what weight I gained, which didn’t go too badly until we returned from our last holiday in Turkey at the end of August and I can’t find the motivation anymore. Overall I have put 10lbs on which I would like to lose again by Christmas. This week I have started C25K. I have done day 1 and day 2 with a rest day in between. On my rest day my legs, in particular the inside tops of them, my knees and ankles were aching so badly I didn’t know if I would do day 2. However today I got up, did my weekly shop, had some lunch and really had to push myself. I did struggle a bit when I first set off on my 1st 60 second run but was determined to keep going. I am now feeling quite proud and my legs aren’t aching as much. Don’t know how I will feel tomorrow though. 😀. If anyone else is just setting out on the journey maybe we could exchange how we are doing etc? Good luck to one and all