So I stepped out into brilliant moonlight this morning only to have my breath blown away by the wind. I thought that might be an extra challenge along with me really not feeling it this morning.
I started out really slow, normally I struggle to maintain that slow for any great distance but today I thought I needed to. I kept it slow for about the first quarter, not sure that slow is any good for my calfs. Half way came and I remember thinking the lungs are handling this very well, shame my calfs haven't adapted yet ๐
I kept pushing on, legs getting more and more tired but breathing was ok. I just had to keep these legs moving. I did, the last minute I ran at the pace I would love to get to and finished quite strong.
My calfs have ached all day today, normally I don't feel it after about ten minutes but even now, 15 hours after this morning's run my calfs are still aching. Thankfully I have the weekend to recover ๐