I completed week 9 and graduated on Friday 19th August and then on the following Monday morning (22nd) pulled my hamstring. It’s getting better and fingers crossed next Monday I will be able to get back at. Any wisdom as to how long to run for as it will be a little over two weeks since my last 30 minute run. All advice appreciated!
Reboot After Injury: I completed week 9 and... - Couch to 5K
Reboot After Injury

As stated in the guide to the plan, you lose no significant condition in the first two weeks of non running. After that loss of condition is gradual.
All any of us can do after a lay off is to go out for a gentle run and see what we can comfortably manage, then use C25k or something similar to rebuild stamina and resistance to injury.
Always best to err on the side of caution, especially afternoon injury.
Take care.

That's bad luck! Well done for graduating though I'm sure you'll be back soon good luck🏃👍👏

Sorry to hear of that injury tendons are slow to heal, gentle stretching and good warm up will be important when you start again do a short run first to make sure you are OK then try 30 mins again , if not healed properly it will tell you at probably less than 500m , any pain STOP good luck